The Hood or **Wolvie

chamber44 Posts: 324 Mover and Shaker
edited February 2014 in MPQ Tips and Guides
so, my **Wolvie is only level 25, 1/4/3. My No Holds Barred bracket seems pretty weak, so I could probably get number 1, or at the very least 2-5 and get all three The Hood covers.

my question is: should I tank and get the Wolvie covers instead? I also have a level 36 Patch 2/3, and an 30 X-Force with just one green.


  • I would go for the 3 star covers. There's a lot of ** Wolvie covers you can get from Prologue, and sometimes they come up as progression rewards. Also, standard tokens have a 15-20% chance of getting you a 4 star, and you'll get hundreds of those just by playing.

    Then again, it really depends on how long you're planning on playing for.
  • I personally would get the hood because you also get more HP. He is a 3* Wolvie is 2*. The Hood is also in a lot of lightning rounds which could be really useful. Plus it would be fun to make a team that uses countdown tiles and makes the countdown on them decrease.
  • The Hood has significantly less HP than almost any 2* hero until level 141, which you won't be hitting anytime soon if you're asking the question.

    The Hood is a strong character but he's a very long term project, because he gets destroyed at lower levels.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Eventually, even standard tokens will max out your 2* characters. If you don't want the 2* covers for your strategy right now, go for the 3*. You'll thank yourself later.
  • The Hood level of covers also means more HP. Always go for the most HP whenever you can.
  • If you don't have any high level 2-stars, it doesn't make sense to me to build up the Hood. Patch or Spidey or maybe Punisher I'd understand, but not Hood.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2014
    I think it depends on the current state of your roster. If you have a bunch of highly leveled 2* characters that you can use instead of wolvie, then you can afford the long term investment of the hood (I've been playing ~3 months, and I just got a 4/5/1 hood btws, so it might be a while before he is even playable). However, if you're making the transition from 1* into 2*, then the 3 wolvie covers will make your roster significantly stronger and help you earn more 3* covers quickly. You basically want to blitz to a max cover 2* character ASAP, and the 3 wolvie covers help do that if you don't already have high level 2*s, which it sounds like you don't. TLDR: If you have a solid 2* roster, go with hood, otherwise go with wolvie. Also keep in mind that the hood probably isn't going to be a core member of your roster due to his low hp.
  • Hood has 4350 HP at level 141. That means in the foreseeable future he's likely to have less HP than a standard level 85 2*, so he's certainly not going to scare anyone. His abilities are strong, but they all require a heavy investment in covers and iso8 as well.

    I wouldn't worry about building The Hood up until you at least have 3 covers in his good color (almost certainly blue).
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2014
    Repeat post, deleting.
  • Phantron wrote:
    His abilities are strong.
    One of his abilities is strong. One is good and the other is bad.