Would be nice to see how this company makes money how

slidecage Posts: 3,234 Chairperson of the Boards
edited July 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
the game is set up. Dont know why people complain about the game since the game is FREE. Yes its a major pain in the **** when you first start out but about the 3 to 4 month timetable once you find a good allaince your never going to have to worry about cash again.

I put 20 bucks into this game when i first joined and just did slots, I just did another 30 on the steam sale for more Slots- What i really did not need but just wanted to toss them some cash. right now sitting on 10 open slots and almost 6,000 HP and 400,000 iso--

If you can find youself a somewhat good allaince just think
PVP 50 per event you should be able to get 50 per event (300 per week 1200 per month)
PVE even if you cant hit top 50 you should still get 50 per event same as team 400-600min per month

1600 to 1800 per month, even if they put out 2 new covers a month even at 1000 HP per slot (what many are not) your slots are mostly free.

I could see 3 months back when health was capped at 5 but now at 10 i mean there is almost no reason to really buy health packs...So besides shields what are people even buying on this site anymore. I highly doubt more then 10% buy covers.

Just bored and thinking out load but would love to see how they make a profit on this game it has to be very slim. Maybe that is why we dont see many new modes into the game.


  • LXSandman
    LXSandman Posts: 196 Tile Toppler
    You are right that most veterans don't probably put alot of money into the game.... Except for the whales you go crazy with every new character.

    I imagine that they make most of their money from players with less then 1 year of experience buying HP for roster spots. Also those early players who buy 40 packs not realizing how bad an idea it is.