The tokens of Season XVI

El Satanno
El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
edited July 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Hi everyone, it's me again, opening up all the tokens I amassed from the last season at one time and recording it here. Why do I keep doing this? I don't know. Maybe someone out there finds it interesting. As before, I've listed each token by type and the number of pulls in parentheses. Only 3* and 4* pulls listed. Onward!
  • 246 silver tokens
  • 63 mixed gold tokens
  • 1 Heroic 10-pack
The pulls:
Silver tokens
Ragnarok (red)
Black Widow (purple)
Squirrel Girl (yellow)
Colossus (black)
Kamala Khan (green)
3* Thor (red)

Gold Heroic tokens (27)
Colossus (red)
Storm (black)
Mystique (blue)
Deadpool (black)
Scarlet Witch (blue)
Sentry (red)
Magneto (red)

Heroic 10-pack
Loki (purple)
Bullseye (green)
Captain Marvel (red)
Invisible Woman (yellow)
Quicksilver (black)

Thick as Thieves (3)
Storm (green)
Doctor Octopus (blue)

Simulator (3)
Falcon (blue)

Unstable Iso-8 (3)
Iron Man (red)

The Hunt (2)
Ragnarok (green)

Enemy of the State (12)
Vision (yellow)
Luke Cage (red)
Patch (green)
Kingpin (purple)

Black Vortex (3)
Loki (black)

Lethal Intent (3)
Hood (blue)

Idol of Millions (3)
Colossus (red)

God of Lies (3)
Loki (black)
Human Torch (red)

Lightning Offer (2, 6)
Quicksilver (blue)
3* Thor (red)

The following tokens yielded nothing:
  • Venom: Heroic (3)
  • Oscorp: Heroic (3)
  • Meet Rocket & Groot (2)
  • Sharp Dressed (3)
  • Category-5 (3)
  • Eye for an Eye (3)
  • Hotshot (3)
Grand Iso total from cover sales: 61,150

Observations and (purely subjective) conclusions:
1) This was a very good season for tokens! With 30 good pulls from 63 tokens, that's a 47% rate! Holy ****! 6 good pulls from silver tokens is also quite high. Hell, my 10-pack even spit out 50% including a 4*.
1a) The aforementioned 4* pull was Invisible Woman. Not only is she kinda sucky, but that's the 3rd (maybe 4th) yellow cover I've received for her this season...and I already had 5. Where are the blue covers, Sue?! I only have three of those!
2) Falcon is finally no longer the only guy to jump out of tokens from his own event. Thanks, Loki! Now if only I could have that kind of luck from a character whose covers I actually need...
3) It's nice that Kingpin's fat **** showed up, but it is still more than a little disheartening that over 300 tokens (not counting the 10-pack) only produced one 4* cover. Sigh.
4) I still suffer from the curious problem of not needing the overwhelming majority of 3* covers I get. That's why it was pure joy to get two that I both needed and actively wanted: Kamala and Scarlet Witch. I "needed" Quicksilver and Vision but they both suck so whatevs.

As a post-script, this does bring up an opportunity to talk about those elusive 4* covers. As can be inferred from my experience here, those covers are practically non-existent to anyone relying on tokens to get them. I know there is a strong argument to be made that if you can't win them from PvP/PvE you don't need them. However as a very firmly established 3* player, even those vectors make it more than a little ludicrous to think about transitioning into solid 4* play. I'm actually okay with the mentality that we as players should be considering buying our way to proper coverage. I really am! The thing is, when 2500 HP gets you a laughable 7% functionality, and you're not seriously using any of those characters with less than about 10 covers, buying up is relegated to either the very stupid or the very wealthy.

It wasn't all that long ago that we were all banging on about a decent transition from 2* to 3*. I think it's pretty safe to say that that has been handled, and quite well, between Taco Thing and the boost to drop rates from tokens. During that time, I stated that there was no such thing as a 4* transition because the only serious 4* team was X-Force + 4or. Now the script has flipped, both from the groundswell of 4* characters and the (over?)nerfing of the X-4orce duo, and we are waiting to see if/when we get a real means to transition into the Hulkbuster/Professor X....I mean full 4* level of play.


  • FierceKiwi
    FierceKiwi Posts: 505 Critical Contributor
    El Satanno wrote:
    As a post-script, this does bring up an opportunity to talk about those elusive 4* covers. As can be inferred from my experience here, those covers are practically non-existent to anyone relying on tokens to get them.

    Either you're terribly unlucky or I'm terribly lucky. I've pulled close to double digits of 4* the last 2 seasons (of course only about 5 or 6 total have been useful).
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    FierceKiwi wrote:
    El Satanno wrote:
    As a post-script, this does bring up an opportunity to talk about those elusive 4* covers. As can be inferred from my experience here, those covers are practically non-existent to anyone relying on tokens to get them.

    Either you're terribly unlucky or I'm terribly lucky. I've pulled close to double digits of 4* the last 2 seasons (of course only about 5 or 6 total have been useful).

    Judging from what I pulled this season overall, I'd say you are extremely lucky. The conspiracy theorist in me also wants to say it's because you didn't need so many that you got so many... icon_cry.gif
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    I had the peculiar experience of pulling 3 4*s in 2 days (1 vault and 2 EotS), and all 3 being unusable. Prior to that I did get 1 KP and 1 PX, so it's still better than expected.

    Holding off on 10packs and heroics for the odds to update. Too few things I need now that even +0.2?% sounds good to me.

    IW is also the one 4* I can't get anything but yellow for. Everything else I've had to earn. Still need blue and green.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2015
    Well, i decided to jump in and use my hoarded tokens since luck was abound.

    61 standard tokens: 1 Hood yellow, sold..
    40 basic heroics: 0 golds, nada, zilch, nothing, not a single one.. **** was the point... that was a few seasons worth, are you tinykitty serious???
    2x Dark Avengers Heroic - 3* Spidey purple, sold.
    1x BoP - 2*

    had better luck on basics then heroics.. 40 heroics (no 10 packs, opened my season one when i got it) should have given me something other than 40 250 iso fodder.. almost rage quit when i was done opening those.

    I have been having an epic dry spell lately, guess i was due.. 2 weeks ago i even bought vault tokens, 70/300 after the week was over, with 0 from the first page of the vault.

    I am running out of ways to stay positive.
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    I had the peculiar experience of pulling 3 4*s in 2 days (1 vault and 2 EotS), and all 3 being unusable. Prior to that I did get 1 KP and 1 PX, so it's still better than expected.

    Holding off on 10packs and heroics for the odds to update. Too few things I need now that even +0.2?% sounds good to me.

    IW is also the one 4* I can't get anything but yellow for. Everything else I've had to earn. Still need blue and green.

    It's a conspiracy! My IW is 5/2/2. Why is her yellow so relatively easy to get?