Immovable Object - not always the case?

Jathro Posts: 323 Mover and Shaker
So I use Immovable Object, placing it out of the way. KK's Bring Out the Best triggers, I make a purple match with her, leaving her "in front" apparently and ending my turn.

Opponent's Thor then casts Mjolnir's Might, adding enough yellow to match away my Immovable Object tile. That's fine, but KK took the hit instead of Colossus.

Shouldn't Immovable Object have triggered on the damage before the tile could be matched away from Mjolnir's Might adding yellow to the board?

EDIT: fat fingers


  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, that shouldn't happen. Normally when Immovable Object is out, a character who uses a power will come to the front of your team temporarily (thus screwing with Colossal Punch if you try to fire it second) but Colossus returns to the fore after you make your move. Maybe the fact that KK's power was a passive rather than an active screwed with it?