Environmental power comparison

I thought I saw somewhere once that there's an unseen decimal value after a character's enviro tile strength, used to determine which character is in front if they both have the same value. Is this true and is there a list somewhere? Specifically I'm wondering if Patch's 70 red is greater or less than Cage's 70 red. (Obviously I want Patch in front, so I'm not going to max Cage if this messes with it, but otherwise I'd like to get Cage all the way.)


  • slaxer723
    slaxer723 Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    I believe the way it goes is from the strongest to weakest color, so if it's the strongest color it assigned .1, second .2 and so forth. 70.1 will tank over 70.2. If they are both 70.2 then it goes to where you place them on the selection screen.
  • slaxer723 wrote:
    I believe the way it goes is from the strongest to weakest color, so if it's the strongest color it assigned .1, second .2 and so forth. 70.1 will tank over 70.2. If they are both 70.2 then it goes to where you place them on the selection screen.

    Well red is the middle power for both of them so they'd tie. So I'd need to put patch in the middle slot then? Would it work on defense that way too? (Not for tanking obviously, but Patch's red depends on him owning the tiles.)