Intimidation Doesn't Effect Ant-Man's STC power correctly

dider152 Posts: 263
I put out Ant-Man's Small Time Crook's countdown power, which is supposed to countdown, changing an opponent's special time and converting it to yours. I used Hood's Intimidation power to speed up the conversion. It lowered the countdown, which it should, but that was all it did: none of the tiles were converted. It only worked properly next turn when I didn't use Intimidation. I was trying to convert some purple shield tiles that an enemy Bullseye put out. I think this is a bug, because all other powers that have to do with a countdown work with Intimidation.


  • The theft of special tiles appears to be implemented as a beginning-of-turn passive effect of Small Time Crooks (i.e. like Ultron sentries). This effect is not actually attached to the countdown tile; it merely checks for the presence of the countdown tile before execution. The description of the power is not able to convey this technicality very clearly, perhaps due to a lack of space on the interface.

    As far as I know, there is no countdown tile in game that can generate an effect just by counting down before it resolves. This suggests that the developers simply do not have any code written to provide this functionality. We are therefore unlikely to see any change to the interaction between Small Time Crooks and Intimidation in the short term.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    I'm pretty sure it's intended. AFAIK Furry Friends interacts same way with Intimidation: if you use it on Furry Friends, the countdowns are reduced but the passive effect of the ability (destroy a basic tile for each FF tile) is skipped until the next turn.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm pretty sure it's intended. AFAIK Furry Friends interacts same way with Intimidation: if you use it on Furry Friends, the countdowns are reduced but the passive effect of the ability (destroy a basic tile for each FF tile) is skipped until the next turn.
    It's possible it's intended, but if so they should rewrite the description. The passive effects of powers like "Furry Friends" and "Ants! Ants! Ants!" are more clear.