Spend more of less if given 1/1/1 for all New Characters?

Scoregasms Posts: 373
edited July 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Just curious what others think if the developers suddenly decided to just give everyone 1/1/1 Covers for all new Characters going forward. You think you'd spend more or less? Purchase a new Roster slot, buy additional covers right away instead of playing through the PVE or now enjoy it more knowing you're just competing for additional covers.

PVE/PVP would still be the place to win additional covers of course for those that continue to be F2P. I only ask this since we now have 1/1/1 Loaners and thought why not just give everyone 1/1/1 covers for new characters.

Probably a silly question, but I am curious to hear what folks think.
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  • FOADakaSquirrelBoy
    FOADakaSquirrelBoy Posts: 82 Match Maker
    It is a complicated poll... You ask us if we're going to spend "more [or] less" and then we have to answer with "yes" or "no"...
  • Scoregasms
    Scoregasms Posts: 373
    It is a complicated poll... You ask us if we're going to spend "more [or] less" and then we have to answer with "yes" or "no"...

    Whoops, fixed! Lol, sorry about that.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    It gives more incentive to buy a character that you get to try more. So I'd be for the idea. I'd spend depending on if I liked the character or not.

    I just have this odd feeling that players who are already vested in the current structure have no interest in updating the model.
  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    The idea of giving everybody one of each cover seems like a participation trophy to me. They've made covers easier to earn and I think the balance is much better now. Especially if they work in a 4* DDQ like they've talked about. What would you do with them anyway? There's no roster slots or iso to support that kind of flood. You have people up in arms because they had to throw their prizes away.
  • Sullstar
    Sullstar Posts: 74 Match Maker
    I wouldn't want them to give us 1/1/1 for each character, but it'd be good if they gave us more opportunity to get to 1/1/1. Maybe for PVEs, RnG the alliance reward instead of automatically having it the same colour cover as a top 100(150 for 3*) finish. Obviously sometimes it will still end up as the same cover but it intorduces more variety for non top 10 players
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would be all for Ant Man style release where it refreshed each week and you could earn 3 covers that way. This way PVE will become way less grindy and more people could earn the covers. It would also be earned as some of those survival modes were harder than most.
    I would also be for a Ultron style character release where the alliance can help everyone win 3 covers.

    Both would be non-competitive, but would require players to earn the covers rather than be given the covers.
  • i think they'd find more buyers that way. But there's no way I'm spending HP on a character unless their SHEEP is insane(like I used my 2 1000 HP tacos on Iron Fist's Purple).

    The patient player has Deadpool Daily.

    It makes sense to make a more $$$ option for the impatient player.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    raisinbman wrote:
    i think they'd find more buyers that way. But there's no way I'm spending HP on a character unless their SHEEP is insane(like I used my 2 1000 HP tacos on Iron Fist's Purple).

    The patient player has Deadpool Daily.

    It makes sense to make a more $$$ option for the impatient player.
    Instead of purchasing HP do a direct purchase option.

    Yes you too can have every cover in the game!! All you need is a valid credit card number and be over 18 years old! Not 18, that's ok too just tell us you have your parents permission and we will hook you up. Every time a new character comes out all you have to do is choose the covers that you like and we will charge you into bankruptcy!!!! Don't worry about that car payment, or mortgage payment, just think with direct purchase of covers you can every character in the gam max covered. iso not included. All purchases will cost real money, and if the credit card company garnishes your paycheck don't say we didn't warn you
    You too can be king of MPQ!!!
  • wymtime wrote:
    raisinbman wrote:
    i think they'd find more buyers that way. But there's no way I'm spending HP on a character unless their SHEEP is insane(like I used my 2 1000 HP tacos on Iron Fist's Purple).

    The patient player has Deadpool Daily.

    It makes sense to make a more $$$ option for the impatient player.
    Instead of purchasing HP do a direct purchase option.

    Yes you too can have every cover in the game!! All you need is a valid credit card number and be over 18 years old! Not 18, that's ok too just tell us you have your parents permission and we will hook you up. Every time a new character comes out all you have to do is choose the covers that you like and we will charge you into bankruptcy!!!! Don't worry about that car payment, or mortgage payment, just think with direct purchase of covers you can every character in the gam max covered. iso not included. All purchases will cost real money, and if the credit card company garnishes your paycheck don't say we didn't warn you
    You too can be king of MPQ!!!
    lol....since it costs like $2000+ for a 4* character I can't recommend that with a conscious.
  • Scoregasms
    Scoregasms Posts: 373
    Lol, just to be clear, this isn't me advocating for this, more curious what folks perspective is if given this What If situation. I'm also thinking earning new covers via Growth Industry-like Story events would be a great move forward and hope they continue to expand on it.

    Oddly enough, so far, doesn't seem to be that much of a negative change at all, sort of trending towards positive spending (this is a business after all, lol).
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not a chance. The only way I'd buy a character would be a DRAMATIC price reduction. Assume they give you 1/1/1. To finish the cover, you need 10 more covers. 10 covers = 12,500 HP for star.pngstar.pngstar.png or 25,000 for star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png .

    That means, a single star.pngstar.pngstar.png is over $50, and a single star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png is over $100!

    In no way does allowing me to buy any cover make the $100 price tag remotely palatable. They need to be on sale for 90% before I'd even consider it.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    raisinbman wrote:
    wymtime wrote:
    raisinbman wrote:
    i think they'd find more buyers that way. But there's no way I'm spending HP on a character unless their SHEEP is insane(like I used my 2 1000 HP tacos on Iron Fist's Purple).

    The patient player has Deadpool Daily.

    It makes sense to make a more $$$ option for the impatient player.
    Instead of purchasing HP do a direct purchase option.

    Yes you too can have every cover in the game!! All you need is a valid credit card number and be over 18 years old! Not 18, that's ok too just tell us you have your parents permission and we will hook you up. Every time a new character comes out all you have to do is choose the covers that you like and we will charge you into bankruptcy!!!! Don't worry about that car payment, or mortgage payment, just think with direct purchase of covers you can every character in the gam max covered. iso not included. All purchases will cost real money, and if the credit card company garnishes your paycheck don't say we didn't warn you
    You too can be king of MPQ!!!
    lol....since it costs like $2000+ for a 4* character I can't recommend that with a conscious.
    Didn't you read the fine print icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Scoregasms wrote:
    Just curious what others think if the developers suddenly decided to just give everyone 1/1/1 Covers for all new Characters going forward. You think you'd spend more or less? Purchase a new Roster slot, buy additional covers right away instead of playing through the PVE or now enjoy it more knowing you're just competing for additional covers.

    PVE/PVP would still be the place to win additional covers of course for those that continue to be F2P. I only ask this since we now have 1/1/1 Loaners and thought why not just give everyone 1/1/1 covers for new characters.

    Probably a silly question, but I am curious to hear what folks think.

    If they gave out 1/1/1 for new characters or made it reasonably easy to earn those covers through introduction events, yes, I would spend on roster spots to house those characters. That's what I spend on anyway - hero points for roster spots.

    As it stands, I believe I'm missing two 3* characters (one of whom I don't really want) and six 3* characters. I have enough HP for a roster spot, but currently nothing to use it on. If tomorrow I logged in to three Thing covers (as an example), sure. I'd spend to roster him. Even though I know that he, like the REST of my 4*, would stay at 1/1/1 for months on end. Give me access to the shiny toy, and I'll pay to roster him or her. I won't spend on covers, but I don't do that now.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    Less? Not because I'd want to spend less but because (in the case of a 3*) 1/1/1 plus 3-4 covers obtained in the release PVE, plus 3-4 obtained in the following PVP, plus 1 + 1 from the progression rewards in the events that follow right after, mean that I may very well have fully covered the character already or be missing only 1-2 which I can easily grab from DDQ.
  • PeterGibbons316
    PeterGibbons316 Posts: 1,063
    If I felt the character was going to be game breakingly OP, and had the ISO on hand to level it, then yeah I would consider spending enough money to get 5 covers in a brand new character's two best skills. I'd spend money on Professor X if I could get a purple cover, or Carnage if I could get black, but they have been pretty rare, so my wallet stays closed.
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 2,001 Chairperson of the Boards
    As others have mentioned, I don't think just handing them out freely is the way to go.

    I think Growth Industry is a step in the right direction for a 4* character release but as Wymtime mentioned they should probably have all three covers available to earn by completing the event in three 10-day iterations. The first "sub" would be challenging, the second sub would see an increase in difficulty and the third sub would be hardcore mode.

    That way, everyone can at least earn one *4 cover, those who have a strong 3* roster will be able to struggle and get 2 covers, and finally those with 4* developed rosters can put their rosters to the test. I know this won't make everyone happy but it accomplishes a few things: 1.) gives everyone a chance at one cover, 2.) still preserves the rarity of the 4* by not just handing it out, and 3.) helps give the game a sense of progression. If you are unable to make it past the 2nd sub then you know it's because your roster stills need work, not because of the variety of competitive factors that dictate placement in pVp and the current pVe model.

    Combined with the pVe release (which arguably everyone has a fair shake, barring essentials) and pVp a good portion of the community will have a better chance at getting all the covers they need within a reasonable time frame or they can splurge and avoid the time sink.

    I don't think it would be necessary for 3* characters though. As Pylgrim pointed out, that would speed up the processes of acquiring new 3* too quickly.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    As others have mentioned, I don't think just handing them out freely is the way to go.

    Which may be true, but also wasn't the question. icon_e_wink.gif

    Yours is an interesting idea. And, y'know, as a way to earn 4* covers that isn't reliant on placement finishes, I can get behind that.

    But the bottom line for me was, if they give me a path to a 4* cover that is attainable on my terms - I can play the Ant-Man event or whatever and it's not based on 'do I have enough time outside of work to grind for placement?' - then yes, I would spend to roster it.
  • Wonko33
    Wonko33 Posts: 985 Critical Contributor
    probably the same, but I tend towards "spend more" then "spend less" because I know I would never spend on a character unless I had all colors to make the build I want

    Example: I really want ProfX right now but I have a few covers of only 2 colors. If I had all three I know I would be looking at buying some HP
  • Lidolas
    Lidolas Posts: 500
    DFiPL wrote:
    As others have mentioned, I don't think just handing them out freely is the way to go.

    Which may be true, but also wasn't the question. icon_e_wink.gif
    Scoregasms wrote:
    Just curious what others think if the developers suddenly decided to just give everyone 1/1/1 Covers for all new Characters going forward. You think you'd spend more or less? Purchase a new Roster slot, buy additional covers right away instead of playing through the PVE or now enjoy it more knowing you're just competing for additional covers.

    PVE/PVP would still be the place to win additional covers of course for those that continue to be F2P. I only ask this since we now have 1/1/1 Loaners and thought why not just give everyone 1/1/1 covers for new characters.

    Probably a silly question, but I am curious to hear what folks think.

    Did I miss something? icon_e_smile.gificon_e_geek.gif
  • Scoregasms
    Scoregasms Posts: 373
    65 votes in and it does seem to be leaning towards overall more money spent, which is actually opposite of what I was expecting. Still interesting to see, I know one of the worst things about this game is chasing an elusive cover (I read some folks chasing one cover for months due to vaulting and just bad luck).

    Of course, this will never happen as it would probably kill token sales, but it does make me wonder if Demiurge will do anything crazy like this to shake things up at some point. Waaaaaay too many characters to be released (and probably 4* at that) and part of the fun of this game is playing with them in some capacity (even at 1/1/1).