No weapon to good for my enemies: Crossbones

ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
edited July 2015 in Speculation and Concepts
Crossbones is a results sort of guy. Put him in the mix and watch him stir up chaos. . He's a button man but not on Bullseye's level. Whereas Bullseye has phenomenal aim and a psychotic break, this guy's just a raw, driven hatemonger who likes to hurt the "lessers". And Cap's a lesser, to him. ... 3,200_.jpg is a really good cover for Crossbones. It shows his lack of fear, facing a big dog like Wolverine. ... l_5_16.jpg is pretty good, too. ... l_5_20.jpg highlights Cap always trying to get out of the shadow of Crossbones.

But this one from 2015. Oh. Great cover for the game.

star.pngstar.pngstar.png Crossbones (The Winter Soldier / Thunderbolts)


redflag.png Playing with Fire 6 AP.
Crossbones sets a timer and to warm up the battlefield. Or. Crossbones uses his inhuman powers to scorch the enemy and warms up the battlefield.
You either convert tiles from red to black (burnt to a crisp) or generate attack tiles from reds, because not in a tickling competition.
I say you go Beast's blue and generate attack.png tiles based on how many red tiles are in play.

blackflag.png Hurt them First / Hurt them bad. Active - Passive (caveat)
This'd be a weapon attack that converts tiles to red, because he's bleeding out his enemies. While the tile is in play, tiles are converted to red each turn. They either stop that timer, or guys like Blade have a field day. And when combined with his Playing with Fire, he could really generate a LOT of attack tiles.

The caveat ability is a secondary idea I had; that he could detonate a bomb and generate a cascade ala magneto, as a contingency, if he's too far behind enemy lines.

greenflag.png No Kid Gloves. 9 AP.
This'd be an attack that stuns, since he's well strong and willing to use toys to break his enemies.