Attn Devs: BoP rewards 1000 Progression "error"

So the last time that Thor was at the 1000 progression, it was the Yellow cover. In the next event Thor Blue became the first 1300 progression.

it was assumed by most that you would continue the three cover rotation at each progression level. However, in BoP, Thor Yellow is back as the 1000 progression instead of the Red cover that should have been up. Can you please look into this and straighten it out as soon as possible? Many of us cannot win 1st in PvP or reach 1300, so the 1000 progression is our only chance. To offer the same cover colors each time the character cycles around is fairly absurd and I am sure, unintentional.

Edit: Cover color of 1300


  • Unknown
    Thor Blue was the 1300 not red. I remember because I wouldn't have bothered getting 1300 for a Red.
  • Tannen
    Tannen Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    They've said before that the choice of covers is determined by rng. Which is why some covers are rare. RNG simply doesn't want to give people the chance to have a black Hulkbuster.

    Some people, myself included, would prefer a slightly less "biased" RNG. In other words, not so much "random" and much more "standardised" rotation of covers...

    Anyway, it's been said that it's entirely RNG, so RNG wants everyone to have Y Thor on 1k. With any luck you'll get a different cover on 1.3k next event.

    - T
  • wade66
    wade66 Posts: 212 Tile Toppler
    It is the order of the 3 star characters that is chosen randomly. The 4 star pool was so small for so long that randomizing it would have been impractical.

    They have always been awarded i alphabetical order character-wise, and descending order color-wise. With the exception of the introduction of a new 4 star, until they get placed in their proper place.
  • IlDuderino
    IlDuderino Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    I hate the RNG

    Also not sure where Thing has popped off to - chances to win covers are really few and far between, once Antman PvP is done there will have been more shots at his covers, Carnage got 2 PvEs and Hulkbuster got Ultron. Hoping we will see a lot more if him when FF is released but the fiz has gone out of the release
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    I brought this up a week or so ago and the thread shriveled and dies out. I guess people didn't care or heed my warning. Nor did the devs see it and do anything about it which was my intentions for the post in the first place. Anyway, glad to see the devs are predictable as always.
  • nic13
    nic13 Posts: 87
    The 'error' started with the first place reward. It is red twice in a row.

    A red first place reward followed by yellow 1k progression is correct.

    There was another instance where they did not give The Thing as the 1300 reward but gave a black Carnage instead.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yup, last Thoress at 1300 was Blue: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=30917

    It runs through a 1->2->3->1 cycle over 1st place -> 1000 -> 1300, with the 1st place being arbitrary (Thor was Red but IMHB was Blue, for example).

    So the problem is the selection of 1st place. It really should cycle also, but if it's random that's at least something. Ant-Man slid in here now so we can't tell for sure if it's an 'error.'

    Carnage should be the 1st place award for the following event. If it's black again, then there may be a problem, but if after that 1st place is Elektra red, then there's surely a problem in rotation.
  • mouser
    mouser Posts: 529 Critical Contributor
    Yup, last Thoress at 1300 was Blue: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=30917

    It runs through a 1->2->3->1 cycle over 1st place -> 1000 -> 1300, with the 1st place being arbitrary (Thor was Red but IMHB was Blue, for example).

    So the problem is the selection of 1st place. It really should cycle also, but if it's random that's at least something. Ant-Man slid in here now so we can't tell for sure if it's an 'error.'

    Carnage should be the 1st place award for the following event. If it's black again, then there may be a problem, but if after that 1st place is Elektra red, then there's surely a problem in rotation.

    XF Wolvie should be 1st place the next PVP. Ant-Man is probably a one-off manual change before he's in the regular rotation.

    I was worried this static rotation might happen all the way back when Thor blue was the first 1300 reward. One simple solution would be to keep the current rotation system, except don't increment the cover rotation count for the 1300 reward. That would create a pattern of:

    PVP1 Thor red 1st place
    PVP2 Thor yellow 1k
    PVP3 Thor blue 1300
    PVPX Thor blue 1st place
    PVPX+1 Thor red 1k
    PVPX+2 Thor yellow 1300
    PVPY Thor yellow 1st place
    PVPY+1 Thor blue 1k
    PVPY+2 Thor red 1300

    Or alternatively do an extra cover jump from 1300 to 1st. That would get a pattern of:
    PVP1 Thor red 1st place
    PVP2 Thor yellow 1k
    PVP3 Thor blue 1300
    PVPX Thor yellow 1st place
    PVPX+1 Thor blue 1k
    PVPX+2 Thor red 1300
    PVPY Thor blue 1st place
    PVPY+1 Thor red 1k
    PVPY+2 Thor yellow 1300
  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    Tannen wrote:
    They've said before that the choice of covers is determined by rng. Which is why some covers are rare. RNG simply doesn't want to give people the chance to have a black Hulkbuster.

    Some people, myself included, would prefer a slightly less "biased" RNG. In other words, not so much "random" and much more "standardised" rotation of covers...

    Anyway, it's been said that it's entirely RNG, so RNG wants everyone to have Y Thor on 1k. With any luck you'll get a different cover on 1.3k next event.

    - T

    And yet the odds against the run we had of Mohawk Storms and Beasts was something in the quintillions to one leading many of us to suspect that there was no RNG as we prayed for Hood blue and Black Panther black.
  • nic13
    nic13 Posts: 87
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    snlf25 wrote:
    Tannen wrote:
    They've said before that the choice of covers is determined by rng. Which is why some covers are rare. RNG simply doesn't want to give people the chance to have a black Hulkbuster.

    Some people, myself included, would prefer a slightly less "biased" RNG. In other words, not so much "random" and much more "standardised" rotation of covers...

    Anyway, it's been said that it's entirely RNG, so RNG wants everyone to have Y Thor on 1k. With any luck you'll get a different cover on 1.3k next event.

    - T

    And yet the odds against the run we had of Mohawk Storms and Beasts was something in the quintillions to one leading many of us to suspect that there was no RNG as we prayed for Hood blue and Black Panther black.
    and don't forget all the cap marvel events - she went from barely covered to optimally covered in a few weeks with all of those.
  • Unknown
    Tannen wrote:
    They've said before that the choice of covers is determined by rng. Which is why some covers are rare. RNG simply doesn't want to give people the chance to have a black Hulkbuster.

    Some people, myself included, would prefer a slightly less "biased" RNG. In other words, not so much "random" and much more "standardised" rotation of covers...

    Anyway, it's been said that it's entirely RNG, so RNG wants everyone to have Y Thor on 1k. With any luck you'll get a different cover on 1.3k next event.

    - T
    RNG is bad. They need to be planning covers so ppl can effectively cover characters and not have to wait for DDQ or lucky token drops.

    Especially when they give out Carol and Ororo like 10 times in the same season.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    So XForce black is indeed the 1st place reward again, but 4Thor went Red (1st) -Yellow (1000) - Red (1300)

    Random number generator or did they fix the cycle because reading threads and fixing things we discuss is the new thing?
  • Unknown
    So XForce black is indeed the 1st place reward again, but 4Thor went Red (1st) -Yellow (1000) - Red (1300)

    Random number generator or did they fix the cycle because reading threads and fixing things we discuss is the new thing?

    I was happy to see that and hoping that they get a rotation going with the Thor event release tomorrow. Fingers crossed that Big Brother was reading this.
  • mouser
    mouser Posts: 529 Critical Contributor
    It looks like they may have done an extra cover increment on the 1k->1300k cover. If that's the case it will cause the cover reward colors to rotate over the long haul, however each rotation sequence of 1st->1k->1300 will only contain 2 unique colors instead of 3.

    Unless you often claim 1st place you wouldn't see a practical difference for rotation of reward covers though.