PVE powered ** from essential to team-up

elwhiteninja Posts: 209 Tile Toppler
I'm asking that the essential 2 star be changed to a team-up at the lowest level. This would reward newer players because they can use their fully covered and boosted 2 star to attack the round and it would give people who have moved past the 2 star phase a way to save HP on important things like shields, covers, and tokens.

So today I had to spend 800 imcoin.png on icon_ms_marvel.png in order to stay competitive that seems a bit excessive to me for a ** that i will toss as soon as the event is over. I understand that D3 needs to make money and I am totally down to spend money on my addiction but its pretty ridiculous to be forced to have every character to stay competitive and with these new characters coming out all the time (which I am in full support of) slots are getting more and more expensive it seems like we are being punished for being successful. Maybe put a cap on how expensive slots get or make slots for each character so that if you load up on multiple of the same character it gets exponentially more expensive. But come on guys having to buy slots for 1 and 2 stars is sad or make them free for those characters.
