Teams that lose to you in PVP

nwman Posts: 331 Mover and Shaker
edited July 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Is there any way to see what team it was, I know you can click the players roster to see what characters they have, but any way to see the actual team that lost to your team in PVP?

I know it doesn't really matter as you won, but I'm seeing what teams I lose to, why not what teams I'm beating on D. (I know they are sometimes the same) The information might help people a bit, if you see a certain team is losing to you a lot and your not attacking that team composition from other players for example.


  • IlDuderino
    IlDuderino Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    That would be cool, especially if it showed that you beat quite a decent team with your defensive choices

    I would also like to see the ability to retal against people that tap you multiple times the same number of times as you are attacked. I regularly login to 200 plus point losses with one retal node. Sometimes I log in to point losses and no retals too but assume that is a bug
  • Xenoberyll
    Xenoberyll Posts: 647 Critical Contributor
    it would be nice but i doubt you could draw reliable conclusions from that. i'm probably average but most of the time i can beat any team with a half decent team of my own and the only times i lose are because of magical cascades from hell.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    I had many def wins in the Cyclops event that I wanted to see who they used because many had multiple usable ****s. with fist and boosted Cyclops, really doesn't much matter who the opponent is, any bad luck and you're toast.
  • Unknown
    id like a battle report, ex: you killed one of their characters, you almost won, they used X characters against u
  • Turbosmooth
    Turbosmooth Posts: 213
    As a wish feature, I wish I could not only review what team they used, but a replay of the entire match. That replay feature could be shared in other ways like to Alliance members who are having a tough time on a node. Or even bragging rights on a cool match.

    But yes, let's start with showing us the matches with stats with remaining health of each character.

    Also I wish the PvP fight nodes were separate from the retaliation nodes.