Countdown bug

I was completing the 3x Shinobi node in the X-mansion and noticed that, if a countdown tile triggered a cascade that brought other cd tiles below it, the timer for the ones that fell would go off twice. Probably due to the pointer traversing right-to-left and top-to-bottom, as well as the game not keeping track of countdowns incrementing. Anybody else notice this?


  • This is known behavior. The resolution order of countdown tiles should be left to right, then top to bottom however.

    Daredevil's Billy Club seem to benefit the most from this, as you can gain one turn on the countdown tile whenever it jumps lower on the board. The developers are surely aware of this behavior, but they don't seem to be in a hurry to fix it since it rarely affects normal play.
  • This has been around since the game started so don't expect them to ever fix it. It happens rarely enough that I guess they don't care about it. There are a few bugs like that.
  • DJSquiggy
    DJSquiggy Posts: 97 Match Maker
    If you have some countdown spammers, this happens a lot.

    i was playing with Loki and Scarlet Witch on my team and saw this happen multiple times. i mean, it was always a positive outcome for me, but it seems like it would be a tad unfair in most circumstances. I was also able to have Human Torch Flame Jet go off twice in a turn because of this bug.

    its random and something you cant really use as a strategy....but definitely a bug and something to be aware of when fighting goons\PVP teams who spam CD tiles