Nobody's Leftover: Arcade

ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
edited July 2015 in Speculation and Concepts
How sober of mind would you be if you were constantly chided by your peers? What if you could throw money at your problems and buy yourself out of being responsible for your actions? That's Arcade. Lunatic. Smart. Psychopath.

Arcade. star.pngstar.pngstar.png 7950 HPs.


greenflag.png A present for you Passive / Active 8 AP.
Arcade sends out traps and waits for his victims to fall prey. each turn, if no friendly timer tile is in play, create one.
When A timer goes off, Arcade places an attack.png tile of strength 75 into play. If destroyed, deal 300 to the enemy.
Rank 2. place two two-turn timer tiles into play.
Rank 3. attack.png strength up to 150.
Rank 4. If the enemy destroys a timer tile, create two in its stead.
Rank 5. Activate to decrease timers on all friendly tiles by one turn.

blueflag.png Adorable traps. 7 AP.
Arcade places a trap on a bluetile.png tile of his choosing. If sprung by the enemy, deal 500 / 1100 max level. If sprung by your team, destroy the surrounding tiles (3x3) and dealing half damage.
Rank 2. Allow placement on greentile.png tiles as well.
Rank 3. Allow placement on redtile.png tiles as well.
Rank 4. Place two traps. Cost now up to 11 AP.
Rank 5. Gain AP for tiles destroyed.

redflag.png Killbot. 6 AP.
Arcade employs heavy machinery to Destroy a trap.png and a 2x2 grid around it.
Rank 2. May also be used on attack.png tiles.
Rank 3. Destruction radius up to 3x3.
Rank 4. May also be used on enemy ability tiles.
Rank 5. Radius up to 4x4. Cost now 8 AP.


  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Very nice board shaker, mid level damage, but would be a bit of a pain, the AI would use his abilities so often that he has the chance at making things rough.

    Since he has no BIG BADA-BOOM damage, i would up his HP some, give him the ability to make full use of his arsenal.
    The low AP makes for fast heals teamed with KK, and with green being a passive.... the only color left out would be black.. toss in psylocke and you have a team with cheap abilities constantly healing and nicking away at your damage .. building up over time..

    i like this!
  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    I want his green to be a second iteration of toy soldiers or tribes. So that needs a tweak. The kill of thing exists to stifle enemy ability tiles.