How are people getting to the 1300's?

I notice a few people are regularly hitting 1300 every PvP. I can get to 1k with no problem on One hop. How are you guys getting to 1300 though? When I get above 1100 I get hit by people in the 500's constantly for 65+?

On a side note. Why is this possible? Why can someone at 300 - 500 points queue someone above 1k? There should be some kind of fight people with in 100 points +/- your score, but I digress.


  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    almost everyone i have seen at the 1300 mark use maxed fistbusters..

    my goal is to one-day have that.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    traedoril wrote:
    I notice a few people are regularly hitting 1300 every PvP. I can get to 1k with no problem on One hop. How are you guys getting to 1300 though? When I get above 1100 I get hit by people in the 500's constantly for 65+?

    On a side note. Why is this possible? Why can someone at 300 - 500 points queue someone above 1k? There should be some kind of fight people with in 100 points +/- your score, but I digress.

    On the side note, some of it is people leave your retaliation there until the last minute, so unless you remove retal's all together, no way to keep that range restriction in.

    Anyway, multiple, quick hops, carefully planned with high point queues. The ones that get there every time are climbing off each other. I only tried once. I can thank the X-Men for the 70-75 queues from 1050 up, so was only 4 matches to get there.

    The weaker the team, the faster you have to be during your hop.
  • elvy75
    elvy75 Posts: 225 Tile Toppler
    you need to hit 1k with 14 hours before the end of pvp. shield for 3 hr, que 3 targets that will give you more than 60 points. hop before your shield expires, do 2-3 fights (depending on how fast are you, and what are the points in the slice), shield for 8 hr. repeat the said, just be sure you have available shields. Ideally you could use 3-8-3 shields, and finish with 2 hops, but you can use 3-8-3-8. If your team is not scary enough, you will have to start earlier and hop more.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    elvy75 wrote:
    you need to hit 1k with 14 hours before the end of pvp. shield for 3 hr, que 3 targets that will give you more than 60 points. hop before your shield expires, do 2-3 fights (depending on how fast are you, and what are the points in the slice), shield for 8 hr. repeat the said, just be sure you have available shields. Ideally you could use 3-8-3 shields, and finish with 2 hops, but you can use 3-8-3-8. If your team is not scary enough, you will have to start earlier and hop more.

    Must not have a job/school to do this.. i believe this is also a requirement.
  • Hendross
    Hendross Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    Malcrof wrote:
    elvy75 wrote:
    you need to hit 1k with 14 hours before the end of pvp. shield for 3 hr, que 3 targets that will give you more than 60 points. hop before your shield expires, do 2-3 fights (depending on how fast are you, and what are the points in the slice), shield for 8 hr. repeat the said, just be sure you have available shields. Ideally you could use 3-8-3 shields, and finish with 2 hops, but you can use 3-8-3-8. If your team is not scary enough, you will have to start earlier and hop more.

    Must not have a job/school to do this.. i believe this is also a requirement.

    You're confusing this with PvE, hopping @ work takes me ~12min every 3-8 hours
  • Unknown
    Malcrof wrote:
    elvy75 wrote:
    you need to hit 1k with 14 hours before the end of pvp. shield for 3 hr, que 3 targets that will give you more than 60 points. hop before your shield expires, do 2-3 fights (depending on how fast are you, and what are the points in the slice), shield for 8 hr. repeat the said, just be sure you have available shields. Ideally you could use 3-8-3 shields, and finish with 2 hops, but you can use 3-8-3-8. If your team is not scary enough, you will have to start earlier and hop more.

    Must not have a job/school to do this.. i believe this is also a requirement.

    icon_lol.gif PvP really don't need take that much time, if you're willing to shield.
  • Unknown
    Malcrof wrote:
    almost everyone i have seen at the 1300 mark use maxed fistbusters..

    my goal is to one-day have that.
    And once we get there, they will nerf one of them or both. I have seen it my friend.
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    13 hour work shifts with no WiFi access makes the above technique not a viable option.

    For those who want to do it with no shields it is very hard and the best technique I can think of if and only if you want progression and not ranking is to start as soon as the event opens, get to about 500 points then take some lumps overnight, climb back to 600 and with The Lady smiling down on you and with full health packs and an awesome Max levelled team bang as many high point matches as possible. Personally I have only managed 1000 doing this but my roster isn't the best. Featured plus Patch and LDaken seems the best combo but I use Doom instead as my Daken is very under covered.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    Linkster79 wrote:
    13 hour work shifts with no WiFi access makes the above technique not a viable option.

    For those who want to do it with no shields it is very hard and the best technique I can think of if and only if you want progression and not ranking is to start as soon as the event opens, get to about 500 points then take some lumps overnight, climb back to 600 and with The Lady smiling down on you and with full health packs and an awesome Max levelled team bang as many high point matches as possible. Personally I have only managed 1000 doing this but my roster isn't the best. Featured plus Patch and LDaken seems the best combo but I use Doom instead as my Daken is very under covered.

    For most pvps not on the weekend, I climb to about 6/700 and let it sit. Then at some point less than 8 hours from the end, make a push as high as I can go, maybe 900 or 1k, drop a 3hr shield to let health packs and retals do their thing.

    Look for good targets while resting. In an active shard that shouldn't be a problem. When you're ready, make your hop and shield again. If you have hp to burn, rest and hop to a 24hr. If not, you can gamble on breaking shield right at the end for a couple quick matches.

    There's no need to follow a strict 3/8/3 etc hour regimen. There's nothing to stop you from using a 3hr shield for only 1 or 2 hours, ditto 8/24.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:
    almost everyone i have seen at the 1300 mark use maxed fistbusters..

    my goal is to one-day have that.

    Lots of people just rely on the buffed 3* of the week. Last week I had patch c/mags, patch/bp etc, this week I'm seeing assorted teams containing daken, sw etc with regular unbuffed 3*s.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Linkster79 wrote:
    13 hour work shifts with no WiFi access makes the above technique not a viable option.

    For those who want to do it with no shields it is very hard and the best technique I can think of if and only if you want progression and not ranking is to start as soon as the event opens, get to about 500 points then take some lumps overnight, climb back to 600 and with The Lady smiling down on you and with full health packs and an awesome Max levelled team bang as many high point matches as possible. Personally I have only managed 1000 doing this but my roster isn't the best. Featured plus Patch and LDaken seems the best combo but I use Doom instead as my Daken is very under covered.

    For most pvps not on the weekend, I climb to about 6/700 and let it sit. Then at some point less than 8 hours from the end, make a push as high as I can go, maybe 900 or 1k, drop a 3hr shield to let health packs and retals do their thing.

    Look for good targets while resting. In an active shard that shouldn't be a problem. When you're ready, make your hop and shield again. If you have hp to burn, rest and hop to a 24hr. If not, you can gamble on breaking shield right at the end for a couple quick matches.

    There's no need to follow a strict 3/8/3 etc hour regimen. There's nothing to stop you from using a 3hr shield for only 1 or 2 hours, ditto 8/24.

    Every time i have matches lined up when shielded, i get attacked, no point loss, but the match is replaced with a retal node, and i can never find the juicy one i had ready.. any way to get around that?
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:
    Linkster79 wrote:
    13 hour work shifts with no WiFi access makes the above technique not a viable option.

    For those who want to do it with no shields it is very hard and the best technique I can think of if and only if you want progression and not ranking is to start as soon as the event opens, get to about 500 points then take some lumps overnight, climb back to 600 and with The Lady smiling down on you and with full health packs and an awesome Max levelled team bang as many high point matches as possible. Personally I have only managed 1000 doing this but my roster isn't the best. Featured plus Patch and LDaken seems the best combo but I use Doom instead as my Daken is very under covered.

    For most pvps not on the weekend, I climb to about 6/700 and let it sit. Then at some point less than 8 hours from the end, make a push as high as I can go, maybe 900 or 1k, drop a 3hr shield to let health packs and retals do their thing.

    Look for good targets while resting. In an active shard that shouldn't be a problem. When you're ready, make your hop and shield again. If you have hp to burn, rest and hop to a 24hr. If not, you can gamble on breaking shield right at the end for a couple quick matches.

    There's no need to follow a strict 3/8/3 etc hour regimen. There's nothing to stop you from using a 3hr shield for only 1 or 2 hours, ditto 8/24.

    Every time i have matches lined up when shielded, i get attacked, no point loss, but the match is replaced with a retal node, and i can never find the juicy one i had ready.. any way to get around that?

    You shouldn't be getting retal nodes while shielded unless the attacks happened before the server registered your shield and. At worst, just skip the retal and look for another good target.
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    The only useable 4* I have is X-Force, and the last couple events he hasn't even been as useful as the boosted 3* guys. I've hit 1300 a couple times, and it's similar to what others have already said here: I push to 1k, then hop from there. The hopping isn't particularly time-consuming, either. I spend more time trying to queue up decent targets than anything else. Once you get to the high end of the ladder, it's frequently the case that you rarely see targets worth more than 7 or 8 points. Sucks. Terribly. I've never hopped with friendly people to bounce off other high point targets, by the way, so it isn't a necessity. Just really helpful...I'd imagine.
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    In the Cpt Marvel PVP I managed 1300 for the IMHB, but that was the only one Ive hit. Then again, I only have SheThor and XF maxed for the 4*. For that one I used XF/CMag and ran to just shy of 1200, tossed up a 3 hour shield. Went out on a date.....then in the middle of the date I hopped once, then used an 8. Was at 123x and found two decent targets (that I was praying would stay shielded to the end so they would be high points) and waited. And waited. And dated. And waited. Then at 11 or so I hit the two targets and grabbed my HB!

    The keys to me were: having the boosted 4*, have it be a decent to good one, have a good partner for it, have the featured 3* maxed, use shields and get lucky. That last one is pretty important.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    MarvelMan wrote:
    and get lucky. That last one is pretty important.

    Talking about PVP or the Date?
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    I was doing okay with Cyc/Buster/SW, but for some reason I've never had a red buster cover, so he's just a high health battery. On D, you could leave him for the very end and the worst he could do to you was make a crit tile and about 650 damage worth of yellow strike tiles. Making all that red doesn't do you a lot of good if there's no one left to use it, plus there was competition for black between hulkbuster and cyc.

    Scarlet Witch wasn't that scary either at 3/5/5.

    So I switched things up to help produce a bit more black. A lot of teams were using Cyclops/Fist/Hulkbuster to accelerate both black and red. Thing is, one optic blast could take out a 166 Fist, which is the first thing you need to do. Then a single full blast can take out max boosted 290 Cyclops.

    So I used Dr. Doom, SW, and Cyclops. Doom's blue was a great accelerant for Cyc's black. Cyc's yellow accelerated his own red. SW's blue accelerated either her purple or Doom's purple.

    I lost once, but I jumped from 500 to 1150 in about 45 minutes without being hit. Could be that I got in at the right time, but I was only attacked once during that push. I don't need the Black Carnage cover, so I don't want to get greedy and try for the 1300, but I bet I could have done it with four more quick wins.

    I used the +2 Red/Yellow, +2 Blue/Purple boosts, and a single +1 all AP boost (until I ran out).
  • Unknown
    repeat the said, just be sure you have available shields. Ideally you could use 3-8-3 shields, and finish with 2 hops, but you can use 3-8-3-8. If your team is not scary enough, you will have to start earlier and hop more.