Game not restored after iOS R79.1 Update


I have updated to R79.1.
Checked Facebook "Save Data Backed Up".
Restarted Marvel Puzzle Quest.

Its still stuck at the 1st mission in the prologue.
It has been days. I have spent close to $1000 on my characters.
Can you guys please help me restore my game?


  • Same here. Did the update with no luck. Roster all gone. Only thing is my alliance can see my roster so there is some hope. Just hate that I haven't heard anything since Thursday
  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin

    The update itself doesn't restore your game, but it will hopefully prevent the issue from reoccurring going forward. If you haven't submitted a ticket yet to Customer Support please do so. They can help get your account restored:
