Inherent Character Specific Passive abilities

jjfyahpowah Posts: 81 Match Maker
I'd like to see each character have a passive, non tile-related, passive power.
These already exist on some, but this would be a standard additional power for every character, not tied to a color. The power would make team composition and choice of pairings much more interesting.
For instance..
Spidey 'Spider sense' - Spiderman dodges any attack over 5k.
Thor 'Thunder charge' - more than 10 blue tiles on board gives Thor extra 10% damage.
Punisher 'Bounty' - targets one random foe at beginning of match. Said foe takes extra 5% damage from Punisher's attacks.
Invisible Woman 'Team Bubble'- selecting IW on your team provides each member with 10% damage resistance.
Quicksilver 'Enhanced Metabolism' - QS is resistant to stun.

or even a foe-specific inherent..
Spidey does extra 10% damage against Venom, Doc Oc does extra 10% against Spidey, Loki does extra 10% against Thor, Thor does extra 10% against Ragnarok..

or group foe inherents..
'Old Tricks' - Spidey's repeated confrontations against his foes has made all parties aware of each others tactics.. Spidey, Doc Oc Venom, (others..) do 10% less damage against one another.


  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    May be hard to implement, and i would not have put in PVP, but in PVE, how about this..

    As you use certain teams.. many of them over and over, and get a chance to earn team specific boosts. The more you use them, the better chance at boosts!

    Most Favored team
    Villainous Ways

  • LuciferianX
    LuciferianX Posts: 163 Tile Toppler
    I always get nervous when I agree with Mal, and to this day I never know why. Like I keep thinking, "I shouldn't!" but I usually do. So.

    I agree with Mal. This would be best implemented as a new series of Boosts, or more accurately, a return of an old series of boosts. We used to have (I ... still have, I believe) '150% damage to Dark Avengers,' 'Avengers deal 120% damage' and so on. They were really good, and highly flexible, and they would win a match for you when absolutely necessary. I liked them. I'd like them to make a comeback.