Sniper Rifle TU Error

Sandfli Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
Recently used a Sniper Rifle TU that was suppose to do 3250 damage the target + an additional 3250 damage to all the team members. It only did the 3250 to the target. I can't reproduce this since it was the only Sniper Rifle TU I had, but I thought you would like to know.

Additional info: Opponents were Thing, Hood and Iron Fist. Thing was already dead, I was targeting IF, who had around 6800 hp. Hood had around 4200 hp. After the TU was used, Hood had about 3400 hp and Hood still had his 4200 hp. The TU was at level 166. Both opponents should have been near death after using the TU.


  • You may have misread the power's description. Sniper Rifle deals damage for each tile destroyed to the primary target, then some additional damage to either the primary target (1–4 covers) or the entire enemy team (5 covers). You can see a description of the power at each cover level here.
  • Just to add, Thor's green is the aoe ability that does double damage to the targeted char.