Matchmaking Killed the Game

I've been playing MPQ since it came out, but today was my last day playing. This is just another complaint about losing points faster than you can gain them because of shoddy matchmaking. So, feel free to skip it, but I hope that enough of these posts will open the devs eyes, so that people who haven't reached my level of frustration can enjoy the game.

I've been a top ten finisher in my last 5 seasons and my alliance is usually top ten. So I'm not just some new guy with no roster. Everything went downhill with the recent changes to matchmaking and the boosted characters. At least, that's my opinion. For me, the problem lies in letting people who have just joined the shard queue people who are many hundreds of points ahead of them. Obviously, retaliations fall in a different category. You can spend hours climbing, only to lose 70 points to someone who just joined. The current scoring system not only lets you attack people way above you, but encourages it. Example: if you attack someone who is worth 70 points and lose, you lose 2 points (numbers are just examples). If you attack someone worth 25 and lose, you lose 30. Why would you ever attack anyone who is on the same level as you? It's much more risky to attack someone with a similar score. If you want to allow anyone to attack anyone they see, then take away as many points as they stand to gain. I got hit last night after dropping my shield to push for the past few points I needed to hit 1300. How many points did I lose? Not many, only 617. Then if you try to get these points back, it's nearly impossible because every time you go up 40, you go down 60. I'm sure there are plenty of people with maxed versions of every 4* that don't have this issue, but many of the people in my alliance feel the same way. I'm just the only one who is willing to walk away.