Growth Industry Point Total

I've finished all the nodes and won all the waves but I am at 3380pts (250pts short of the cover reward).
I can't gain any more points as I've won all the nodes. Tried replaying one of the nodes but no additional points were awarded.... seems to only be just me in my bracket stuck at this point total... help!


  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    take a screenshot showing all nodes finished, and submit a ticket. (all nodes are replayable so they all should have the little yellow circle thingie)
  • will do... thanks
  • Zair
    Zair Posts: 2
    The same thing happened to me. I got 0 points for the first node. Replaying it still awards 0 points.
  • Same here... All nodes finished yet 250 points short.