No Purple (or Pink) Fist for me??

CaptainFreaky Posts: 451 Mover and Shaker
edited July 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
So, I'm looking at my DDQ Sweet Vault and the rotation of 3* featured characters this week.

I want to open my 10 (saved) + 10 (to be earned this week) tokens...but here's the thing:

Seriously???? There are 3 blackflag.png and 2 greenflag.png available, but 0 purpleflag.png covers. Oddly (or not) the other featured 3* characters do indeed have all 3 covers available, it is only Fist that is missing one of the colors.

Demiurge - please change the cover distribution logic so that the rotated 3* have 3 covers pre-assigned (1 of each color) and 2 covers done randomly, rather than making all 5 covers for each featured 3* random.

I don't think I should have to stare at a vault during a week of featured 3* in DDQ and have precisely ZERO chance of getting a particular cover. I will take 0.33% change (1/300) over 0/300 change - just give me some chance to get a desired cover for the 3* that are in rotation for DDQ. This is a minor change that doesn't upset game balance or token odds - it just makes things the way they should be.


  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,609 Chairperson of the Boards
    You can cycle the Vault for free if you haven't used a token yet, read my post here:
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards
    Fortunately I had 2 purple in mine. I used my 10 previous stored tokens and I didn't pull anything but 2*'s.

    I do agree that the Vault should only have 3/4* character covers that you do not have in your roster. At least with the normal token pulls I have a chance of getting the cover I need but with the new vault it's possible to have nothing you need. Right now there is nothing I need in the Independence Day vault which is not fair.
  • CaptainFreaky
    CaptainFreaky Posts: 451 Mover and Shaker
    scottee wrote:
    You can cycle the Vault for free if you haven't used a token yet, read my post here:

    No - I tried exiting and restarting the app, and even force closing the app. In every instance, my Sweet Taco Vault would NOT reset the 3* cover distribution for the featured (Rags, IM40, IF, KK, CM) nor would it change the random 3* & 4* that are allocated.

    I was able to reset the Independence Vault before spending a token last weekend, but I have not used a token on the Sweet Vault yet I cannot change the covers on that one it seems.
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,609 Chairperson of the Boards
    scottee wrote:
    You can cycle the Vault for free if you haven't used a token yet, read my post here:

    No - I tried exiting and restarting the app, and even force closing the app. In every instance, my Sweet Taco Vault would NOT reset the 3* cover distribution for the featured (Rags, IM40, IF, KK, CM) nor would it change the random 3* & 4* that are allocated.

    I was able to reset the Independence Vault before spending a token last weekend, but I have not used a token on the Sweet Vault yet I cannot change the covers on that one it seems.

    Did you spend a token of another kind? I was able to continue reset mine until I spent a token on a DIFFERENT Vault, and then I couldn't cycle the Sweet vault anymore.
  • CaptainFreaky
    CaptainFreaky Posts: 451 Mover and Shaker
    scottee wrote:

    Did you spend a token of another kind? I was able to continue reset mine until I spent a token on a DIFFERENT Vault, and then I couldn't cycle the Sweet vault anymore.

    Hmm - I probably used one of the Independence Tokens I got in PVP - it's odd that would have any impact on the other Vaults.
    But if what you are saying is true, that you can't reset the vaults after you spend ANY token in ANY vault, which is going to happen for pretty much everyone, then that makes the whole vault reset thing kinda moot in a practical sense.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    Just cycled mine until two Fury covers were up and three of the Captain Marvel covers were yellow.

    Not that it matters when there is a 2/300 chance to get a Fury cover... but if I win all 10 tokens that should become a 6.8% chance of winning a Fury cover if the math isn't way off.

    2/300 chance for the first pull + 2/299 + 2/298 + 2/297... + 2/291 = 0.0677 (6.8%). About a 1 in 15 shot of getting a Fury cover with ten tokens. Of course, if you've already used nine of your ten tokens and come up empty, you are still only getting a 2/291 chance with your last token, which is still 0.00687 (0.69%).

    Assuming that there is in fact an even chance of drawing any of the 300 individual prizes.
  • CaptainFreaky
    CaptainFreaky Posts: 451 Mover and Shaker
    edited July 2015
    Buret0 wrote:
    Just cycled mine until two Fury covers were up and three of the Captain Marvel covers were yellow.

    Not that it matters when there is a 2/300 chance to get a Fury cover... but if I win all 10 tokens that should become a 6.8% chance of winning a Fury cover if the math isn't way off.

    2/300 chance for the first pull + 2/299 + 2/298 + 2/297... + 2/291 = 0.0677 (6.8%). About a 1 in 15 shot of getting a Fury cover with ten tokens. Of course, if you've already used nine of your ten tokens and come up empty, you are still only getting a 2/291 chance with your last token, which is still 0.00687 (0.69%).

    Assuming that there is in fact an even chance of drawing any of the 300 individual prizes.

    Buret0 - have you opened anything in your Independence Vault? If not, this helps to confirm the theory that Vaults somehow interact with each other such that they can't be reset if any Vault has been opened. Because I haven't opened anything on Sweet yet I sure as heck can't reset it.
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,609 Chairperson of the Boards
    scottee wrote:

    Did you spend a token of another kind? I was able to continue reset mine until I spent a token on a DIFFERENT Vault, and then I couldn't cycle the Sweet vault anymore.

    Hmm - I probably used one of the Independence Tokens I got in PVP - it's odd that would have any impact on the other Vaults.
    But if what you are saying is true, that you can't reset the vaults after you spend ANY token in ANY vault, which is going to happen for pretty much everyone, then that makes the whole vault reset thing kinda moot in a practical sense.

    You can reset every 5 days when the active Taco Vault switches. That's what I was doing this morning until I accidentally used a Independence Vault token.

    This is of course until they patch it.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    Buret0 wrote:
    Just cycled mine until two Fury covers were up and three of the Captain Marvel covers were yellow.

    Not that it matters when there is a 2/300 chance to get a Fury cover... but if I win all 10 tokens that should become a 6.8% chance of winning a Fury cover if the math isn't way off.

    2/300 chance for the first pull + 2/299 + 2/298 + 2/297... + 2/291 = 0.0677 (6.8%). About a 1 in 15 shot of getting a Fury cover with ten tokens. Of course, if you've already used nine of your ten tokens and come up empty, you are still only getting a 2/291 chance with your last token, which is still 0.00687 (0.69%).

    Assuming that there is in fact an even chance of drawing any of the 300 individual prizes.

    Buret0 - have you opened anything in your Independence Vault? If not, this helps to confirm the theory that Vaults somehow interact with each other such that they can't be reset if any Vault has been opened. Because I haven't opened anything on Sweet yet I sure as heck can't reset it.

    I have, but not since the new Sweet vault showed up. I actually bought and used a 200 HP token just to make sure that my Sweet vault was frozen.
  • Arimis_Thorn
    Arimis_Thorn Posts: 541 Critical Contributor
    I reset mine once and got a vault with 2 IF purpleflag.png in it. Long shot, I realize, but I value those more than the mediocre 4* options in the same vault.

    Of course, I'm compulsive about opening tokens, so I haven't saved any from the last Sweet vault (and won't for this one).

  • Turbosmooth
    Turbosmooth Posts: 213
    If you do not like your vault options, save the tokens for the vault until they become stockpiled. I just had 8 tokens for SAVORY in stockpile and each time I used one, the vault completely reset. Interestingly, I pulled 3 Doc Oct covers (getting 3 3* out of 8 chances is amazing) that let me get him to 13/13 with 5/4/4. Perhaps not the best build, but he is now full.
    They might fix this, but I would try stockpiling and see if you run into this feature.
  • Ruinate
    Ruinate Posts: 528 Critical Contributor
    Buret0 wrote:
    Just cycled mine until two Fury covers were up and three of the Captain Marvel covers were yellow.

    Not that it matters when there is a 2/300 chance to get a Fury cover... but if I win all 10 tokens that should become a 6.8% chance of winning a Fury cover if the math isn't way off.

    2/300 chance for the first pull + 2/299 + 2/298 + 2/297... + 2/291 = 0.0677 (6.8%). About a 1 in 15 shot of getting a Fury cover with ten tokens. Of course, if you've already used nine of your ten tokens and come up empty, you are still only getting a 2/291 chance with your last token, which is still 0.00687 (0.69%).

    Assuming that there is in fact an even chance of drawing any of the 300 individual prizes.

    Buret0 - have you opened anything in your Independence Vault? If not, this helps to confirm the theory that Vaults somehow interact with each other such that they can't be reset if any Vault has been opened. Because I haven't opened anything on Sweet yet I sure as heck can't reset it.

    I have used 11 Independence tokens
    I had 8 Sweet stockpiled. Last night I noticed the Sweet stockpile vault updated to this week's round. Several hours before DDQ itself rotated. I was able to reset the vault. I used my 8 tokens and unlike some, my vault did not reset after each token. The stockpile vault then disappeared.
    When I woke up this morning, DDQ vault had rotated over. I was able to reset, and used today's 2 tokens.

    This is the case with my friend as well. Unfortunate, your theory doesn't hold.