Server Outage (07/08/15) *Updated

David [Hi-Fi] Moore
David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
UPDATE: (3:30 PM PST, 07/08/15)

Hello again,

A brief update on the server outage early this morning. The developers have completed a post mortem on what went wrong and we've begun taking correctional steps to avoid future occurrences.

A few "failsafe" measures were in place which did not function as intended. A server went down and the failover server failed to function correctly. In addition, the standard game servers should have automatically worked to override the problem, which didn't occur. These issues have now been corrected.

Once again, we apologize for the outage. Compensation is being determined and will go out en masse to those who were engaged in events and unable to play. All who were affected will receive the mass compensation. We are unable to process individual compensation requests when so many were affected and all players were affected for the same length of time.

Thank you for your understanding and patience on this. As a general standard, we are working on improving compensation response times and we hope to issue this within the next 48 to 72 hours.

(11:15 AM PST, 07/08/15)

Hi all,

I can confirm that some external servers went down around 3:30 AM (EST) 07/08/2015. It looks like we were offline for approximately 4 1/2 hours. We're still gathering details, working on what went wrong and figuring out how we can ensure this doesn't happen again.

Our apologies for the outage and inconvenience. Compensation for those affected is planned. As I receive additional details I'll provide an update.

Thank you.


  • Freehuey24
    Freehuey24 Posts: 18
    Writing to say that my account are one of those affected after the 79 update. I can not link to my normal roster. Keep going straight to tutorial.

  • smiley22
    smiley22 Posts: 30 Just Dropped In
    Same issue as Freehuey here, I get "Save Game Error - save file corrupted" message and it puts me into the tutorial as if I've never played. Long-time player and spender here, very worried... I've tried everything I can think of, nothing fixes it.
  • Yrkcan
    Yrkcan Posts: 9
    On one hand, I'm glad I'm not alone. On the other, I want this fixed ASAP. I spend too much time and money on this to not be able to use my account.
  • Same as the two above me. Please fix this. Cuz this sucks
  • Sword user
    Sword user Posts: 72
    I'm having the same problem as smiley and huey. Able to play on my iPad and it claims to be saving, but iphone says the file is corrupted.
  • 250Hp + 2500ISO...Are you serious? With this i certainly can't be satisfied. because of this issue, I been sniped and lost around 150 points and didn't have time to climb back. Missed 800p reward, than T50 in Top Gun - (finnished only 106), my alliance also missed T100 (105) = 3 covers (2xMrs.Marv, 1xFalcon), 50HP, 500-1500 should take your useless compensation back
  • 12chris6
    12chris6 Posts: 57 Match Maker
    Craingech wrote:
    250Hp + 2500ISO...Are you serious? With this i certainly can't be satisfied. because of this issue, I been sniped and lost around 150 points and didn't have time to climb back. Missed 800p reward, than T50 in Top Gun - (finnished only 106), my alliance also missed T100 (105) = 3 covers (2xMrs.Marv, 1xFalcon), 50HP, 500-1500 should take your useless compensation back

    I completely agree. I'm happy for the other people that need the bonuses, but for a lot of the higher level players, it's just not worth it. There were so many people that were aiming for the Hulkbuster cover at 1000 that they couldn't get. I was personally aiming for the 2nd Independence Day token (650 points) and the Falcon Cover (800 points). Getting the HP & ISO's are nice, but I'd rather get my 4hrs back to grind again.