It's official, the game does see above the top row.



  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    Lanko8 wrote:
    I remember on the Ultron event, when one of the sentries did their destroy a bunch of tiles thing, sometimes the tiles from above the top row would already come down as attack/strike/defense tile.

    Did you mean to say:

    Anytime the sentries caused any tiles to drop there was a chance some of them would be special tiles. Those that were special tiles always came down as attack/strike/defense tiles. At no time did any of them drop as basic tiles and then turn into special tiles.
  • wirius
    wirius Posts: 667
    This doesn't prove a thing. Look, the way programming works, the game has computed the cascades that drop long before the animation finishes. This doesn't mean it KNOWS what's up above, it means that its already run through the cascade you've seen by the time you see it.
  • Bloo_Alliance
    I had something more concrete happen to me. The other day, Blade was the only opponent left. I have never seen a solo character match anything other than their own color or team up if they are the last character left (assuming such a match is available of course). Instead, Blade made a vertical match of blue at the top. As the tiles were switching I thought ****? Then, from "above the top row" one of the colors that came down was black to make a horizontal match 3.

    Bloo blueflag.png
  • Unknown
    I guess that makes sense. It might not know what is going to drop before your turn but it does decide your entire cascade before displaying the first match.
    Like I said, I was t implying a conspiracy, just sharing my observations icon_e_smile.gif although, conspiracies can make for lively discussions
  • mr_X
    mr_X Posts: 375 Mover and Shaker
    Also been on the receiving end of one colour column cascades.

    Remember it happening against an over scaled Daken when I was trying to deny blue. Which is tricky when he only needs a few matches.

    Oh look a column of blue. Great. Multiple chemical reactions later and ensuing expletives it is now about time to heal.

    But have also benefited from it also. Just seem to notice it more when it is against you.

    Noticed horizontal line drops of one colour seem more common than vertical ones.
  • Turbosmooth
    Turbosmooth Posts: 213
    I see this bug too, but the interesting part is how the code would calculate the entire damage of the move before completing. Does that mean the AI could choose the best cascade per move? Possibly. Although really I just see the AI making certain weighted moves based on either: straight line match 5 or 4, getting AP for the next special they want to save for instead of looking ahead. The AI only makes tier 2 moves. It doesn't know how to do T's and L's unless by an inadvertently match-4. It also doesn't care if it could get away with a match 5 before starting special moves.
  • Unknown
    Those conspiracy theories are so dumb. The AI will often ignore cascades that are visible on the board, yet it's supposed to plan cascades that aren't on the board... that makes absolutely no **** sense
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,410 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2015
    I've also seen the last goon character image morph into a character of the next round mid way through a cascade before being downed at the end of the cascade. So the AI can calculate how much total damage a cascade can deal before the animation ends and in error, change the character image too early.
  • gruffbear
    gruffbear Posts: 23
    In DDQ today, during the opponents turn, they made a 4 match to clear column and down came a full column of black blacktile.png! No other color just a full column of blacktile.png! That is not random! I wish I took a picture..

    I've had that happen more than once, but with yellow against 2* Wolverine so he gets a health boost on top of the damage.
  • Unknown
    WolfmanX25 wrote:
    Those conspiracy theories are so dumb. The AI will often ignore cascades that are visible on the board, yet it's supposed to plan cascades that aren't on the board... that makes absolutely no tinykitty sense
    Yes, exactly. This should be the top reply every time there is a thread about this.
  • Unknown
    We all know how freaking hard is to stop Mohawk from using hail storm because of those predictions.

    Real story: Mohawk last enemy, I'm on my last character; she does a match with a color that neither of use use instead of green, yellow or TU (no deny involved nor for her own use), then from the top a black match comes.

    Oh hey, hello there previously unavailable black ap, how you doing?
  • meekersX
    meekersX Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    The game does not see above the top row. The observations in this thread are not evidence of this. It simply means the animation takes longer to run than the damage calculation. The entire cascade and effects are determined nearly instantly, and it takes time for animations to catch up. It's an obvious bug that the next character appears to swap in ahead of time, and that should be fixed. However, these conspiracy theories are frankly tiresome.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    Next time, play exactly the way the AI plays. Play only the recommended moves and see how you fare. I will do this in PVE, and see if I can figure out how the AI thinks.
  • TheWerebison
    TheWerebison Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker
    Boo. I came here expecting to see a post from the developers or a video/screenshot of a professional hacker who found a way to reveal the hidden upper layers of the board. Imagine my disappointment when all I witness are a few blurry images of a humanoid shape in a forest.
  • Unknown
    Alright, I wasn't comfortable sharing this before, because the thought of being ridiculed in an online video game forum... **Shudders**

    OK, so check this out. This whole thing happened, IDK, in mid-to-late winter, this past one. Pretty sure it was January. Yeah, it was, because it was after Christmas, and I had received a hardback "The Walking Dead" graphic novel I was pretty stoked about. Yeah, January.

    So, anyway, I was playing REALLY late, because I forgotten to do my DDQ, because my stupid friend needed a stupid ride to the stupid airport. Oh man, this guy. You know what he did once? Bah, never mind, I'm digressing.

    Anyway, so I FINALLY get home, it's snowing, the roads are AWFUL, but I make it back. Then it dawns on me... Holy ****! I forgot my DDQ. OK, this is where it starts getting weird.

    Full disclosure, I was a bit tired. I'm fairly certain I hadn't been drinking. I honestly can't remember, because my memory is, wait, that could BE a sign of drinking, right? Gah! I'm doing it again. OK, the "event."

    So, I finish the first section of the DDQ.
    The second.
    The "You shall not pass... without the right character!" match.
    I go ahead and do my "Final whatever ISO" level... on to the Beeeg Enchilaaadaaa (you want to drag that out when you say it in your head, like it's written, you know, for effect)...

    So it starts out pretty normal, wave 1, blah, blah, blah... collect, collect, special, clear Cd tile...

    Wave 2, normal. Unleash God's holy wrath, mop up, collect...

    OK, now, I know how this is going to sound. No, seriously. Shut up, I know. About 6-8 moves into the wave...

    One of the Goons is LOOKING RIGHT AT ME. IKR? I SWEAR TO GOD. This dude is freaking EYEBALLING me. At first I thought I was imagining it, but that smirk? That knowing, coy, over-the-shoulder half-glance? No dude, trust me. This dude was giving me the AI stink eye of ALL stink eyes.

    I was so freaked out I couldn't decide whether to kill him first or hide him in the back where he couldn't keep messing with my mojo. God, was it creepy! Thankfully, I finally killed him, ended the wave, and moved on to the final battle, which went off with not much trouble, but man, was that experience ever burned into my brain.

    I was so rattled, I thought that GORGON was looking at me! Do you have ANY IDEA how terrifying THAT was? Thankfully, it was just a few specks of dust on my phone, but holy **** did it freak me out for a minute.

    Wow. You know, I actually feel better now that that's out in the open. icon_e_wink.gif

  • meekersX
    meekersX Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    I was so rattled, I thought that GORGON was looking at me! Do you have ANY IDEA how terrifying THAT was? Thankfully, it was just a few specks of dust on my phone, but holy **** did it freak me out for a minute.
    icon_e_biggrin.gif No ridicule from me, this totally sounds legit!