something wrong in pvp

Arsael Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
I think there' s something that doesn't work correctly.
3 match in shield simulator win in min that ten minutes.

Every match said more than 40 points , always win about 14-15.
It's impossible that 3 different people pass form 40 to 10 in so few time
Lately it often happens.

please check


  • Arsael
    Arsael Posts: 36 Just Dropped In

    The same today: 4 matches , reward score between 40-50 , wan all in 15 minutes , get 10-15 points every match.
  • I've had this same issue. Caused me some unnecessary grinding because I ran out of health packs trying to make the push for the Professor X cover in the SHIELD Simulator. This is just not cool for PvP especially when you're trying to be smart about which fights you take when closing in on a goal.
  • Arsael
    Arsael Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    I think the point reward you see before start to play should be the same at the end.