Post-Event DDQ Sweet Vault refreshes on every visit in Steam

As stated in the title. The vault for DDQ sweet tokens that just rotated off now refreshes upon every single visit. Here are some examples of me getting fresh vaults by scrolling back and forth through the events and vaults:




I suppose this might actually be a result of developer largess towards players that hoard their tokens, but I thought it might be worth bringing up nonetheless. Feel free to leave this "feature" in place if you want. One can't really complain about getting free refreshes on demand.


  • The vault runtime has ended, you see there's no xx/300 count. So basically everytime you look at it, it resets. And it also resets every pull. It's not the active vault so my guess is that this is intended.
  • In theory we should be able to save sweet and savory tokens and use them on an active vault. Will have to save a couple from this week and see if i can use them on the vault in 2 weeks.