we just want the game to be better



  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sat on this for a while, due to the seemingly endless posts on how "negative" the forum is and my lack of desire to argue. Personally, I would disagree with the notion that the forum is negative. Overall, it seems to me that whenever someone tries to make a reasonable suggestion, it's usually met with "facts" and "logic" (quotation marks intentional] that are anything but, and often serve to thinly veil what appears to be an attitude of "everything is fine with everyone else, you're the only one complaining, so shut up." Not saying this is the reality, just my impression. That said...
    wymtime wrote:

    So I know new characters hurt the transition player in getting to 3*, but the reality is new characters drive revenue and drive players. Having a new character realeased gives players a chance to collect them. They have reduced the cost of the first 20-25 slots in order to help people collect characters. The reality is because they have increased odds on tokens this will also get worse for players who are low on HP. They also announced they are capping roster slots at 1000 HP until a perminant fix can be put in place. Roster slots cost me 759 HP and yet I still have 9000 HP and have not put any money into the game. The game is giving enough HP for roster slots, and they are looking to address it again.

    1.) Quote; "... but the reality is new characters drive revenue and drive players."

    Only it isn't new characters that drive some players. Quite the opposite in fact. Every new release is just another month or so wherein I worry about opening a token and getting yet ANOTHER character I'll have to throw away. I don't have "a chance to collect them," I have to stop half the potential enjoyment piece of the game (opening gained tokens) because I literally cannot afford to win a new character. It usually takes me a month or so to gain enough for one single roster slot, at which time I am again free to open tokens, at least until I get a character I need, at which time I have to stop for another month.

    If a player already has most everything in the game, awesome for them. As for the many who don't? Not so awesome.

    2.) Quote: "The game is giving enough HP for roster slots..."

    Only the game isn't "giving [everyone] enough HP for roster slots," the game is giving YOU SPECIFICALLY and a few other posters in an online forum enough for roster slots. 2 years into the game, I'm STILL faced with throwing away characters on a consistent basis.

    Before I hear from the "hardcore" players, yeah, I get it, it's not a game, it's a way of life. Only it isn't. It is actually a game, and as such is meant to be enjoyed, not worked at like an unpaid internship. If others feel the need to play it that way and can actually fit it into their lives, awesome. Many others cannot or will not, and it shouldn't take 2+ YEARS to feel any kind of progress in a video game, regardless of the relative "awesomeness quotient" of a person as a video game player.

    I guess I would close by saying it would be helpful if people could try to resist posting opinions as facts or "the reality." My experience and subsequent opinion are mine, and while I'd guess based on what I read here and among former MPQ players "in real life" that some people share them, I nevertheless wouldn't assume everyone does. Not trying to be a jerk here, it just gets tiring repeatedly reading how I should feel or play, based on what "everyone" else is doing or experiencing.


    So drummer boy I will say I respect your opinion, and will respectfully disagree. Imagine if you will that you are on the Dev team. Statistically speaking more players compete and play PVE when a new character is released. Also when a new character is released, more players buy HP. This HP that is bought is primarily used to buy covers for characters. When a new character is not released HP sales are much lower, player involvement in PVE is significantly down. What would you do to engage your player base. The reality is new content as in new stories, don't drive revenue and game play as much as new characters. A new game mode is awsome the first go around and then gets stale. A new character can also get 2-3 and possible 4 runs in PVP before the character is widely covered by the masses.

    As far as HP and roster slots go I am all for change. I would love roster slots to cost less and I hate the fact that I rotate 2 useless 2* for PVE. My issue with the OP complaining about it is the fact that th Dev's just put out a video saying they are capping the cost until they get a perminant fix. They acknowledge the issue and promised an eventual solution. Isn't that what we want? As far as HP goes I am part of an alliance with 2* players, 3* players, and 4*. By no means am I a whale as I am FTP but I am a strong 3-4* player. Her is a breakdown of HP for a 2* as I see it.
    500-600 points in PVP with the new point system for top 250 in a top 250 alliance. 50 HP for progression, 50 HP for alliance reward. 3 PVP a week for 300 HP from PVP.
    PVE- 50 HP for top 50 sub times 3 subs 150 subs per event, 50 HP progression, 50 HP for top 150 placement. 50 HP for top 250 alliance. That is 300 HP realistic 2 times a week.
    Total possible 900 HP a week from PVP and PVE as a 2* player. This is not counting HP from season progressions 50-150, or season rewards top 250 50 HP, 25 for top 500 alliance. Even if you use a 3 hr shield in each PVP you can still earn 675 HP each week, without killing yourself. This does not count HP from DPDQ either.
    If you are super casual that is fine. You said you earn enough for one roster slot a month because you play it more casually than others, it is more than ok. As playing casually you will not earn as many rewards as others, and if you win certain covers you will have to make more sacrifices than others.
    I will say I have played for a year and a half, and last year I grinder the heck out of the game. Now with weekly buffs and point changes I can climb to 1000 with only using one shield while starting the PVP with under 24 hrs remaining. 8 hr refreshes in PVE means I don't try that hard unless it is a new character. With DPDQ I am able to finish off my 3*. I feel th game is in a great place, and is giving out a ton of rewards. That is why I disagree with you and the OP on most of your points and theirs. FTP games are set up for you to get out what you put in. Is the game perfect no. Is it in a better place than last year? Absolutely.
  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    No, the real game of PVE now is something I call Marvel Schedule Quest. Because 95% of my success depends on how well I can set my whole life aside 3x a day on a predetermined schedule to waste an hour or more, whether I want to actually play at that time or not. These days I spend way more time playing out of obligation to the game than I do out of enjoyment of it. Sometimes I have a couple hours to play and I'd love to play... but I better reserve those health packs and I can't play this node right now or I'll screw myself out of points later... So the game becomes whether I can get away with playing during work, or whether I can successfully put off sleep, or avoid my wife's angry gaze when I talk about stopping family time in the middle of a day to play some rounds. And when I took a day off work to take my family out for a vacation day, my whole event that was perfectly timed up until then became completely ruined. That makes me no longer interested in Marvel Schedule Quest, because I like my family and my job and my sleep a lot more than I like playing the same tired matches over and over.
    YUP. I didn't include this but you're 100% right. Honestly I play LESS these days because the only way to get any sort of reward whatsoever is to time things PERFECTLY and I don't want to screw myself later by playing now 99% of the time. It's easier to just not play now, and wait for the magic star alignment that causes you to want to play at the exact moment it's also optimal to play, or otherwise just do something else with your time - which CAN'T be good for the game. It's also the reason I think I've played 1 PvE event and 1 PvP event in the last... months? Some long amount of time. I only want to play when it's a good in-game time to play, and I refuse to adjust my personal schedule to that anymore. So I just don't play.