Mid-air crits

hesjingixen Posts: 215 Tile Toppler
I saw something about this months ago, when interacting with certain hero powers, but it seems like the general case hasn't been resolved, so I figured I would post it here. I've noticed recently that when I make an L-shaped crit, if the crit tile has something that it can match with at the corner, it doesn't drop and, instead, matches in "mid-air". To illustrate


The expected behavior is in this situation is that I would swap the red and yellow, create an L-shaped "5 in-a-row" and then the crit tile would drop, creating double crits for the green and the blue. However, what has been happening lately is that the crit tile forms and is immediately matched by the yellow, and never drops. Now, I don't know if this change is intentional or not, but it didn't used to do this.

I BELIEVE that you should see similar behavior in the following situation


Rather than dropping to create a crit with the purple, I'm pretty sure it would match the yellow "in mid air". I'm pretty sure I've seen this once, but these types of crits are less common, so I couldn't guarantee it. I do, however, know for a fact that I've seen this happen several times recently with L crits.


  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    This bug appears when Mystique or Black Widow (Original) are present in the match, presumably because the "steal AP on match" behavior of Espionage and Shapeshift causes the game to alter how it processes a tile match, and that in turn results in criticals being accounted for differently than they otherwise would. The devs are aware of the bug but have not committed to fixing it.
  • HAHAHAHAHA, this is still happening?


    The above thread was locked since I posted about this problem almost every day. After it was locked, I sent a private message to a dev asking why lock the thread when the problem still exists. After that, I was banned from the forums(!). Thanks D3 for making the decision to quit this game that much easier.

    I'm happy to see another thread about the same topic so I can annoy the hell out of ... whoever again. Hopefully I don't get banned again for trying to bring awareness to an issue that has existed for over a year.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    it's been part of the game so long, that it is now part of strategy when mystique or OBW is used, and i hope they never get rid of it.

    This bug has saved me many times.. and probably will continue to.. plan for it when using those 2!
  • Malcrof wrote:
    it's been part of the game so long, that it is now part of strategy when mystique or OBW is used, and i hope they never get rid of it.

    This bug has saved me many times.. and probably will continue to.. plan for it when using those 2!

    It is pretty bad when a bug has existed for so long that you consider it part of the game. Maybe if I post about this problem each day, I'll get banned again for no apparent reason.
  • Cypr3ss
    Cypr3ss Posts: 155 Tile Toppler
    I'm sure this is just D3s way of encouraging us to use the 'search' feature of their forums, we wouldn't want people posting about the same issue/question in the same thread... that's crazy talk.

    For the OPs reading pleasure, here's another recent thread on the topic: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=30069

    But do not fear, they're aware of the issue... just don't ever post about it again!.... icon_e_confused.gif

    Maybe we need an FAQ in the bugs section, on bugs known to the dev team, so these same questions would stop popping up? Of course if we wanted to keep the community informed it might have been a good idea to sticky the original thread, not lock it.

    (do i sound bitter, i'm not bitter, honest icon_e_smile.gif )

  • Cypr3ss wrote:
    I'm sure this is just D3s way of encouraging us to use the 'search' feature of their forums, we wouldn't want people posting about the same issue/question in the same thread... that's crazy talk.

    For the OPs reading pleasure, here's another recent thread on the topic: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=30069

    But do not fear, they're aware of the issue... just don't ever post about it again!.... icon_e_confused.gif

    Maybe we need an FAQ in the bugs section, on bugs known to the dev team, so these same questions would stop popping up? Of course if we wanted to keep the community informed it might have been a good idea to sticky the original thread, not lock it.

    (do i sound bitter, i'm not bitter, honest icon_e_smile.gif )


    If you think you're bitter, at least you didn't get banned after constantly posting in the thread below about the same critical tile issue.

    Thread got closed, dev said "it's a known issue" and almost two months later, the problem still exists.
  • hesjingixen
    hesjingixen Posts: 215 Tile Toppler
    Just thought I'd add that this recently happened to me again in a game that included neither Mystique nor Black Widow. The only culprit I could think of at the time was Bullseye. Regardless, it had neither of the normal culprits.
  • Considering that nothing has been done about this ever, I think this is either a case of "working as intended" or "this too shall pass". Take your pick of statement and just learn to plan your moves around it I guess.