so what is the deal with new taco tokens?

Heartburn Posts: 527
edited June 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
right now there is soo much noise on the forum about them can we get some reds to answer our taco token questions/ vault questions.
some questions i would like answered:

1) do the taco tokens continue to stack or did you make them the stupid way and only stack every other vault?

2) with there be any other opportunities to get tokens from other sources because 10 draws out of 300 every 5 days is not that appealing, if it was out of a 50 prizes pool that would make sense 10 normal plus 40 purchased buys you the vault.

3) now don't take this the wrong way but why are you so stingy with the top rewards in the vault( or with rewards in general)? only ~ about 50 good things to draw in there, most of it is **** 2*s no one goes please let me get a 2* from the tokens, unless they are trying to draw one for PVE essentials for that week. You need to move away from the mostly **** model and move to the 50/50 model of good versus ****.

4) how did you think the typical player would spend their tokens? cause i baffled. ideal seems to stock pile until you can clean out a favorable vault or stock pile and wait for an perfect or nearly perfect vault and buy it out with 300 tokens or however many it takes to clean up the best rewards. going through 30 vaults only to spend on one seems too much wasted vaults.

5) why did you make the vault so large with such a short turn around? and what made you think this was a good idea save for 5 months to guarantee 3 4*, 10 months if you made the stupid way but averages down to 3 4* every 5 months.

6)While i understand the concept of guaranteed vs random why such a long investment to reap the full benefit? a smaller vault with scaled down prizes can make this happen much sooner and falls inline with the short turn around of each individual vault.

these are some questions i would like answered. if you have some list them, or feel free to post a response to any or all of my questions. happy hunting icon_e_smile.gificon_e_smile.gificon_e_smile.gificon_e_biggrin.gificon_e_biggrin.gif