opening salvo/parting shot, in respect to AP generation



  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    A White Knight is someone who defends something, regardless if it is in the wrong or not / no matter what.........NOT that I was even speaking to you or about you or anyone else that bro fisted you with athumbs up, or anything. lmao.

    Anyways, HappyDance, even when there are up to 10 of then on a screen, with numbers on them varying from 0 - 9 ?
  • While I have not directly observed the computer triggering an ability without the required AP, I have watched my AP drop without spending it. This has happened in both, goon nodes and matching character nodes.

    I understand that some characters slowly syhpon AP from their opponents. That alone made me question my perception until it happened against a team that clearly had no ability to "steal" AP.

    It usually occurs when one side triggers an ability, the screen quickly flashes for the animation and my currently blinking AP BAR will stop blinking and I will be instantly 1 point away from casting with no regard to what amount of AP I had before.

    This HAS happened multiple times.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    BBTBob wrote:
    I have watched my AP drop without spending it.
    I'm glad you posted this, because I thought I was losing my mind. Just today while grinding PvE, my GT's yellow was full, and I was waiting for the opp Daken to generate some strike tiles. When he finally did, I went to cast it, and saw I no longer had any yellow. I checked the teamup thinking maybe there was a SheHulk green there, but no. The game had me thinking I used it and didn't remember, since tracking AP totals seems like a pretty basic function that has to be right. But at least now you've given me hope that Alzheimer's might still be a few years away.
  • grunth13
    grunth13 Posts: 608 Critical Contributor
    This happens to me when I am playing Patch/Loki. I usually wait to hit Patch green until I have enough Loki black. Occasionally, I will see black blinking making me think its ready, so I hit Patch green, and instantly I only have 10 black instead of 11 for trickery. I also thought I was going crazy.
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    TLCstormz wrote:
    A White Knight is someone who defends something, regardless if it is in the wrong or not / no matter what.........NOT that I was even speaking to you or about you or anyone else that bro fisted you with athumbs up, or anything. lmao.

    For your edification. Beyond that, you posted on a public forum and presume to be addressing only particular individuals? Oh wait, I got it. You're only talking to people who agree with you. icon_rolleyes.gif

    NINJA EDIT: Whoops! I totally forgot to point out your rather flagrant attempt to strawman me! No White Knighting here, just debunking the same tired old baseless claims of AI cheats.
  • babinro
    babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor
    Boldbrute wrote:
    The only time I distinctly remember getting completely BSd was when the enemy AI used CTS and it said -11 Green. I tried to SS it but the delay caused me to miss it. But it does feel at times that the AI is generating more AP than they should.

    The AI's AP generation doesn't fully show until your turn (at least it doesn't on steam).
    As a result players get the feeling that the game is cheating.
    Especially since YOUR turn generates AP values in real time.

    - AI fires off an ability that cascades
    - LThor shows only 8 green AP but you see CTS is active for use
    - AI fires off CTS
    - Turn ends and AI still has 3 green AP

    The above example is explained by the AI having generated 9 green AP through the cascade which often resolves so fast that you can't follow everything clearly.
  • BBTBob wrote:
    While I have not directly observed the computer triggering an ability without the required AP, I have watched my AP drop without spending it. This has happened in both, goon nodes and matching character nodes.

    I understand that some characters slowly syhpon AP from their opponents. That alone made me question my perception until it happened against a team that clearly had no ability to "steal" AP.

    It usually occurs when one side triggers an ability, the screen quickly flashes for the animation and my currently blinking AP BAR will stop blinking and I will be instantly 1 point away from casting with no regard to what amount of AP I had before.

    This HAS happened multiple times.
    OMG the time has come. Probably this has been brought up before but I never read it. This happens to me a lot, and I really mean a lot. I though it could be some mental delay that I see this flashing bar meaning I can use the power and after I use something else before the ap is not there anymore, I'm missing exactly 1.

    What's worse, this is most likely happening more than we see because of powers that cost like 10 ap and we have 11 or 12, so we lose one and still can use it.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    ShionSinX wrote:
    BBTBob wrote:
    While I have not directly observed the computer triggering an ability without the required AP, I have watched my AP drop without spending it. This has happened in both, goon nodes and matching character nodes.

    I understand that some characters slowly syhpon AP from their opponents. That alone made me question my perception until it happened against a team that clearly had no ability to "steal" AP.

    It usually occurs when one side triggers an ability, the screen quickly flashes for the animation and my currently blinking AP BAR will stop blinking and I will be instantly 1 point away from casting with no regard to what amount of AP I had before.

    This HAS happened multiple times.
    OMG the time has come. Probably this has been brought up before but I never read it. This happens to me a lot, and I really mean a lot. I though it could be some mental delay that I see this flashing bar meaning I can use the power and after I use something else before the ap is not there anymore, I'm missing exactly 1.

    What's worse, this is most likely happening more than we see because of powers that cost like 10 ap and we have 11 or 12, so we lose one and still can use it.

    I have always wondered about that, i make a match , ability flashes so i can use it next turn.. then suddenly i am 1 short of using it... the enemy has no AP stealers.

    Is there a goon with a Hood like steal out there?
  • Chrono_Tata
    Chrono_Tata Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    If you have an AP stealer like Hood or Loki, the AP steal animation on your AP bar looks a bit like the "gauge filled" bar flashing. Understandably seeing that flash when you are playing quickly can be confused that the ability is ready, even though you are actually a bit short.
  • If you have an AP stealer like Hood or Loki, the AP steal animation on your AP bar looks a bit like the "gauge filled" bar flashing. Understandably seeing that flash when you are playing quickly can be confused that the ability is ready, even though you are actually a bit short.
    Can someone else confirm this?
    I only play on Steam, not Android or iphone so this might make sense.
  • nwman
    nwman Posts: 331 Mover and Shaker
    I believe some goon countdown tiles steal AP also.
  • I will say that I also notice enemies occasionally having less than 10 HP remaining occasionally after my move & then proceeding to unleash their full fury against me & almost wiping me out. But I would say that has nothing to do with AI cheating & everything to do with me not properly calculating what it would have taken to wipe that enemy out. Basically a bad call or bad gamble on my part.
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    Okay, Black AP continues to twinkle after a final Black match as if I have enough to use that power, yet when the computer is done with their turn ( also known as firing of several abilities and then getting match 5 after match 5 after match 5 ), my Black ability ( usually from Loki or Quicksilver ) IS NOT available to actually use.

    What is the issue, here?
  • I'm not sure here, but seems that this happens when you or the AI make a 4-match maybe? It's not all the times, I rarely noticed this when collecting 3 ap at a time.
  • I dunno about Loki's black, but Quicksilvers is affected by his locked tiles.