D3 "The vault" is diasapointing. Here's a suggestion...

Instead of making it that you earn something random.


that way we can all be happy. If we choose a particular item we cannot choose it again in the future.

I think I speak for everyone when I say "nothing has actually changed" other than it's now more fancy looking how you earn stuff from tokens. icon_e_sad.gif

Please D3, make this game different, I believe I speak for alotta people when I say "We expected to choose covers" not get random stuff that we just sell.

Please D3 listen to our feedback coz who's tired of selling countless 1stars?



  • jredd
    jredd Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards

    have 4* worth x number of tokens (10 for example, save them all up and you get a random 4* for your troubles at the end of the ddq segment, 3* worth a couple less, and so on...)

    as an extra, if you have an unusable extra 3* or 4*, you can trade it in for something in the vault of equal or lesser value.
  • Unfortunately,if players were allowed full choice in the vault, then it's content would have to be adjusted to consist of 1x 3-star covers, 1x 250 HP, and 1x 1500 Iso-8 rewards, 1x med packs, and 296x 2-star covers to keep progression roughly the same, because players will just end up redeeming their tokens in that rough order.

    There's really no need to be disappointed in the vault anyway, as it is already more generous than the old taco tokens, which had a ~5/6 chance of giving you a 2-star cover. The current composition of the vault is instead:
    Item            Quantity  Chance
    4-Star                 3   1.00%
    3-Star Featured       25   8.33%
    3-Star Random          9   3.00%
    1,000 HP               1   0.33%
    250 HP                12   4.00%
    10,000 Iso-8           1   0.33%
    5,000 Iso-8            2   0.67%
    1,500 Iso-8           30  10.00%
    5 Med Packs           42  14.00%
    2-Star               175  58.33%
    Compared to the old taco tokens, your chance of drawing a 3-star cover is slightly increased (from 10%), and you can now find 4-star covers on top of that. The odds of receiving a 2-star cover is now much lower too, with various HP, iso-8, or med pack rewards to make up the difference.

    The vault is a net improvement to the DDQ rewards. Due to negativity bias, the developers are wise to make incremental improvements, instead of trying out large improvements at the risk of having to nerf them in the future.
  • Vynyv wrote:

    The vault is a net improvement to the DDQ rewards. Due to negativity bias, the developers are wise to makeincremental improvements, instead of trying out large improvements at the risk of having to nerf them in the future.

    I apreciate your fairness Vynyv. But how much passion do you put into this game? If you like me and you give so much time, energy and emotion you gonna surely want something back.

    For once can't D3 play by our rules and give us something we really want?

    How many countless one and 2star covers have you sold? As if the only purpose is to sell them.

    Yes I agree with alot of what you saying.

  • nwman
    nwman Posts: 331 Mover and Shaker
    Or they could just give us 4 tacos each day instead of 2
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vynyv wrote:
    Unfortunately,if players were allowed full choice in the vault, then it's content would have to be adjusted to consist of 1x 3-star covers, 1x 250 HP, and 1x 1500 Iso-8 rewards, 1x med packs, and 296x 2-star covers to keep progression roughly the same, because players will just end up redeeming their tokens in that rough order.

    The vault is a net improvement to the DDQ rewards. Due to negativity bias, the developers are wise to make incremental improvements, instead of trying out large improvements at the risk of having to nerf them in the future.
    At the same time, is improving a not so great system to another not so great system even worth that much.

    Thatd be similar to being happy that the 20 is reward appeared more often but not was 40 iso.
    It's a 100% improvement but it'd still be ****.

    I still fail to see the issue with getting more covers to people inspiring them to purchase more iso and hero points for slots.

    When you combine artificial limits on every form of advancement, even paying to advance is pointless because theres always something else you need to grind.
    There needs to be some control for players. I'm actually curious as to what phase of a free to play this game is in because everything seems to be firmly in the 'well if you've been playing for a year it's fine' and anything less and you wonder more and more how people put up with this for so long.
  • I apreciate your fairness Vynyv. But how much passion do you put into this game? If you like me and you give so much time, energy and emotion you gonna surely want something back.
    According to my Steam profile, MPQ has accumulated a run time of 1,204 hours. Admittedly, I do not play the game during every minute it runs. Yet if MPQ did not exist and I was not addicted to another game, I would likely be much further along in my real life career than I currently am.

    Most games are Skinner boxes of one form or another, and MPQ is no exception here. One of the challenges of designing a good Skinner box is to keep the rewards fresh. The subjective intensity of rewards will naturally diminish over time as players become acclimated, so developers will frequently have to introduce some amount of reward inflation to keep people hooked. This is the framework in which I view the vault's introduction.

    Although as a player I will always welcome more rewards, I understand that developers have good reasons to keep reward inflation at a moderate level. Making more rewards is a lot of work, and inflation has a tendency to drive more inflation. If this game ever runs out of rewards, the developers will likely run out of income too. For the long term interest of the game, I support a moderate amount of reward inflation.

    The new vault may not be as generous as we wish it to be, but I think it is much closer to "moderate" than allowing the direct selection of rewards. Keep in mind that MPQ has to generate revenue to feed the developers, and random covers generate far more revenue than guaranteed covers.
    nwman wrote:
    Or they could just give us 4 tacos each day instead of 2
    That's a fine idea if the developers want to further increase the rewards. Adjusting the number of tokens rewarded would be a much finer knob to control then allowing direct selection of rewards.
    GurlBYE wrote:
    I still fail to see the issue with getting more covers to people inspiring them to purchase more iso and hero points for slots.
    Giving away more covers will not necessarily increase revenue. What's to say players that cannot keep up with the incoming covers will conclude that the game is leaning too heavily towards pay-to-win, then quit and go write a negative review? I think MPQ is by far the best match-3 game on the market right now, and I would never have known that if I just looked at user reviews from all the rage quitters.
    GurlBYE wrote:
    When you combine artificial limits on every form of advancement, even paying to advance is pointless because theres always something else you need to grind.
    Grinding is the essential content of most games of any length however. We simply do not have the technology right now to automatically generate novel content for human players.
    GurlBYE wrote:
    I'm actually curious as to what phase of a free to play this game is in because everything seems to be firmly in the 'well if you've been playing for a year it's fine' and anything less and you wonder more and more how people put up with this for so long.
    I would say the game is in a "fairly easy to pickup and advance for new players" phase, and reward inflation should only make it easier as time passes.
  • Viking Tacos
    Viking Tacos Posts: 139 Tile Toppler
    Bagman. The people want Bagman. Give the people what they want, a Bagman they can turn all the way up to 11.

    Why not give us all 4* for free. We surely will play after that...

    ...or not. I think beauty of this game, and main pushing point, is getting covers you need/want. Otherwise it's just a normal match-3. Personally I don't care what place I have in event as long as I get my covers icon_e_smile.gif. I think most people also plays for covers. Why DDQ is so popular? You don't get rewards basic on your position. You just spend 15 minutes on it, get your 2 tacos, 1 cover and 3500+ ISO. I might miss PvP/PvE that day, but surely I won't miss my DDQ.

    If you want to choose your rewards from the vault, then remove DDQ and pay with "real" tokens you get from PvE/PvP. 25 for 4*, 10 for 3*. And it would be too generous IMO.
  • xcience
    xcience Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    The only thing this is making you do is horde Up tokens for a hundred fifty days
  • xcience wrote:
    The only thing this is making you do is horde Up tokens for a hundred fifty days
    That would actually be counterproductive. The optimal strategy for utilizing the vault is to first target a minimum acceptable percentage chance of getting something useful out of it. You can just wait for refreshes until the content of the vault is satisfactory to you. At that point you start redeeming your tokens, then either stop at the first desirable reward (i.e. you gamble on a better vault refreshes), or continue until the percentage of useful rewards falls below your preset minimum (i.e. be satisfied of hitting your target percentage). You'll get much more out of the vault this way compared to stockpiling 300 tokens and using them all at once.

    Edit: There may be an even better strategy, but I'll have to run the numbers first.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,395 Chairperson of the Boards
    could made it like a gumball machine...
    Single token = anything
    5 tokens = anything besides 2 stars
    10 tokens = anything besides 2 stars and boost
    25 tokens = 3 stars health packs, hp and 10k ISO
    50 tokens 3stars hp and 4 stars only

    somthing like that... so at least people could got some thing nice ever 25 days Like Every seseason
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    flagoon wrote:

    Why not give us all 4* for free. We surely will play after that...

    ...or not. I think beauty of this game, and main pushing point, is getting covers you need/want. Otherwise it's just a normal match-3. Personally I don't care what place I have in event as long as I get my covers icon_e_smile.gif. I think most people also plays for covers. Why DDQ is so popular? You don't get rewards basic on your position. You just spend 15 minutes on it, get your 2 tacos, 1 cover and 3500+ ISO. I might miss PvP/PvE that day, but surely I won't miss my DDQ.

    If you want to choose your rewards from the vault, then remove DDQ and pay with "real" tokens you get from PvE/PvP. 25 for 4*, 10 for 3*. And it would be too generous IMO.
    i wish it was a little more controlled then random on what heroes you get. if there was a way to work towards a target consistently, like sold covers slowly roll into a hero of your choice.