D3 pls remove the 20iso reward. it's not fair

Hi Everyone.

Have you ever worked so hard on a node only to receive 20 iso?

Let's take this PVE for example(The hunt).

There is a node called "Ares" and it scales hard very quickly. I already have it at "Deathly" and I can still win/beat the node but it's not easy. It would be nice to receive the rewards, not an Insulting 20iso icon_e_sad.gif

D3 pls remove the 20iso reward.


  • Sickboy254698
    Sickboy254698 Posts: 27 Just Dropped In
    Begin slow clapping....

    There is nothing else in this game, besides the rare attack/loss, that I hate more than whooping the AI in an incredibly hard PVE node only to be "rewarded" with 20 ISO. Just like recruit tokens, I would rather be "awarded" nothing.
  • Philly79
    Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
    even if they upped it to 50iso I would be happy...the 20 iso for hitting a hard node is insulting...just like in that last Ultron event beat him to only be rewarded with 20 iso? Where is the emoticon for being slapped in the face?
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    We all want this, especially feels like a slap when you kill round 5+ ultron for a 20iso reward.

    But they would have to exclude prologue nodes and easy PVE nodes, or people would just farm all day.

    So there is going to be some coding issues to implement.

    trust me, in venom heroic, beating Carnage/muscle/muscle lvl 263/262 and only getting 20 iso with 3 awards left on the node, and this being the 4th clear of that node.....
  • Philly79
    Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
    Malcrof wrote:
    We all want this, especially feels like a slap when you kill round 5+ ultron for a 20iso reward.

    But they would have to exclude prologue nodes and easy PVE nodes, or people would just farm all day.

    So there is going to be some coding issues to implement.

    trust me, in venom heroic, beating Carnage/muscle/muscle lvl 263/262 and only getting 20 iso with 3 awards left on the node, and this being the 4th clear of that node.....

    Yes they would need to implement something for the prologue missions but exactly what you said in that last statement...if you had already gotten all 4 rewards then yeah but a 4th clear and only 20 (60iso) to show for it is ****...it would have been nice to get more iso to refill whatever boosts you used (if any)
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't even care if they leave it at 20 iso as long as you never get that "reward" until you have already received all the actual rewards for that node. (Also set fire to all crit dmg bonuses please and thank you)
  • Philly79
    Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
    udonomefoo wrote:
    I don't even care if they leave it at 20 iso as long as you never get that "reward" until you have already received all the actual rewards for that node. (Also set fire to all crit dmg bonuses please and thank you)

    Yeah that would be okay also...gotta agree with the setting of fire the CD bonuses also, we should be able to sell them back. Really should be able to sell anything back that you do not use like the basic tile damage boost (for me). It seems anytime you do use a CD boost you do not get any crit's...
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    For the CD damage... i use those regularly actually... i don't mind them.. Any char that can add tiles, this makes for monster hits on just tile matches when done right.

    Having max boosted crit , i cleared an entire sub with 1 cast of Thunderstrike.. 4 or 5 crits and everyone goes poof.

    but yah, maybe tone them back a bit, even though i use them, i seem to always have max
  • Sickboy254698
    Sickboy254698 Posts: 27 Just Dropped In
    I can't even stand getting 100 or 200 ISO for PVE missions. That's still not enough even if they are easy. The amount of ISO to level up heroes is ridonkulous even after the 15% and 30% reductions. A couple hundred ISO is a drop in a big bucket for any 3 or 4 star over level 125. The whole ISO thing is why I come and go from this game. I hate grinding in any game but I especially hate grinding for items I need to level up stuff I already have. I have 15 heroes with maxed covers only 7 are at 166. The next closest three need over 125,000 ISO to max. I sold off 5 3 stars that were maxed and around level 100 just to get more ISO. I still have another 10 hero's who are one cover away from being maxed.

    Let's do the math and assume that I have 4 heroes at 140, and the other 14 are at 120. They aren't but the numbers will be astronomical regardless. To go from 120 to 166 is around 87000 ISO. From 140 to 166 is around 37000. (I know I'm a little off).

    Add that all up and I need 1,366,000 ISO to max them all. Even if I got 500 per PVE node that's 2732 matches. No thank you.
  • Agree, I hate the 20 iso reward. Or at least reduce the chance to get it.