Galaxy S4 Lollipop - Crashes and Restarts

brafal Posts: 20
Since updating my Galaxy S4 to Lollipop (5.0.1) I've encountered more and more crashes inside the game.
Usually they happen during a match. Screen freezes for couple of seconds and then the phone restarts. If I am lucky I get the crash while not in a match so I don't lose match.

There is no general rule when this happens. Sometimes I can play the game for hours without having any problems. Other times I even restart the phone on purpose and clear all the memory and close all of the applications and the game still crashes. I even tried playing over wifi instead of 4g just to see if it has any effect, but no luck.

Also one weird thing is that before upgrading to Lollipop I could take phone calls while playing and the game would resume. After the update every time I take a phone call the game restarts from scratch.

I was wondering if others are also experiencing the same issues with the phone restarting? Or is it just me?

I don't think it is related to the game updates but more with Lollipop OS.


  • no the problem isnt with your phone, its with the mpq app

    this app has so many issues since i started playing it, crashing is just one of them, another major one is causing the phone to over heat
    back to the crashing problem, many andriod users have seen this happen over at least 4 patches and still has not been fixed
    i can only submit tickets hoping they fix it
  • brafal
    brafal Posts: 20
    Good to know I am not the only one.

    The weird thing is, after I wrote this message on the forum I haven't had one crash till now. I haven't seen an update or updated anything. Very weird.

    Hope it continues like this.
  • I have the same issues with the same phone. I updated in mid-may and have had a ticket in since last may. No word yet.

    I have noticed that it hasn't crashed in a few days although this was a regular occurrence. I would have a few days of random crashes followed by a few days of no problems. My stress level while playing was always incredibly high since I had no idea when it would start crashing...
  • brafal
    brafal Posts: 20
    Well after few days the crashes are back. Now it happened couple of times before a match. Luckily it didn't happen during a match.

    The ticket I sent got replied with the standard: Try reinstall, check how much memory u have, clear cache, etc....
    Nothing specific in it about crash issues on Android, or "sorry man we are working on it".

    Overall I am really supportive of the developers, however I would just want some tiny information on what could be the issue here.