Used 9 health packs on The Hunt

grunth13 Posts: 608 Critical Contributor
edited June 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
I don't know what happened. The Dark Avengers just ravaged my team. Mini cascade after cascade with the board just completely one sided on colors. Started the Let's Dance and just got beaten like a ragamuffin. Between the 3 of the DA, they only had abilities for 4 colors and guess what...the board is completely purple, black and blue. I started with Full covered gamora, DD and 11 covered (5/4/2) IM40. 3 health packs later, beat it without a problem the second time. On to Clever Girl III, the DA only have 3 options for powers, purple, black and green. I start matching purple and black for the same team of Gamora, DD, IM40, thinking if I keep them away, they won't go crazy on me. Man was I wrong. I match them away and they just roll into mini cascades for more black and purple. Finally get DD blue out to start stunning, and the countdown tile is miraculously place in a place that shouldn't be matched. Countdown comes down to 1 and bam!!! mini cascade that matches it away. Not counting the green 5 matches that they keep getting in the first couple of turns so the pyro is throwing out flamethrower quicker than usual. IM40 goes down before I can gather enough yellow (only need 8) to make useful. Finally get more blue and able to permastun with daredevil blue and matching his ambush over and over to win, but Gamora and DD are limping. Another 3 healthpacks, and off to Clever Girl II. Again, purple, black, green galore. Their first turn immediately gives them enough ap to put rocket on second turn and stun my guys with venom purple. In between venom almost permastunning me, I get enough ap to throw gamora bad reputation and start whittling away at their HP. Take down venom, take down Yelena, but not before she turns 2 of my strike tiles to criticals which brings Gamora to her last 2000hp from about 10000hp with the mini cascade. Grenadier goes down quickly after that. The trivial nodes are next which are quick, but daken does hit me with multipe blues almost every turn or every other turn on Outta My House. Doesn't hurt much, but does take down Dr. doom from 7440HP to about 4000HP and not counting what it did with Patch because he just healed himself. Now the essentials, Black Widow essentials went fine, took some damage but not much with Patch, Cage, IF. Gamora essential hurt a little because ares kept matching into greens, but not enough to gripe about. I did have to heal her prior to starting the essential. Goddess Thor essential hurt for 2 reasons, tried keeping green away again, but no one can stop ares from getting 5 green and hitting you every 2-3 turns. First time they matched 4, matched 5, cascaded, and killed off Loki quickly. Granted my Thoress is only 1/1/0 so she was just plain useless. Second time Patch and Loki finally able to get 9 green (somehow I can't get green, but ares could) and 11 black to finally start hitting back hard and win. So actually that was ten Health packs to finish the hunt. Even after this **** beating, Let's Dance went up 30+levels. My anal sphincter hurts now. Wish I had remembered lube, wont forget it next time. By the way, I boosted +r/y x2 and p/b x2 on the first 3 matches and still had a hard time. This was only my second clear. Not sure how I will place, but hopefully the DA's are waxing everyone just like they did to me so that I can actually get a decent placement. I'm beat mentally after that run.


  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    Even boosted, Gamora does not do good damage per AP, and I've got her 5/3/2, soft-capped at 114, so she comes out at 208.

    Green: 1417 team damage for 12 (comparison: Storm at level 150 does 2888 team damage for 11!)
    Red: 1142 for 5 (comparison: Torch does 2599 for 8 and returns 2 AP)
    Black: 83 strike tiles

    Pretty bad when the boosted 3* is totally outclassed by 2* 50+ levels below her.

    I used to like Gamora, too.
  • grunth13
    grunth13 Posts: 608 Critical Contributor
    It is true, but her Bad Reputation is very nice, if you can ever get it out. 12 ap is very high for that power. I have all my 3* soft capped at 127 for now. Blades KYEC is 10 ap for similar damage per turn. Battleplan is 9ap for similar if you have 12 team up. I got a plan is 11 for better damage with a self heal option for him. The reason I do like gamora once her bad reputation hits, her razor's edge does about 2200 to 3000 damage for 5 ap in the Hunt. And since she is boosted she also has 12800HP to be somewhat of a meat shield against the cheap abilities of the DA.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    Even boosted, Gamora does not do good damage per AP, and I've got her 5/3/2, soft-capped at 114, so she comes out at 208.

    Green: 1417 team damage for 12 (comparison: Storm at level 150 does 2888 team damage for 11!)
    Red: 1142 for 5 (comparison: Torch does 2599 for 8 and returns 2 AP)
    Black: 83 strike tiles

    Pretty bad when the boosted 3* is totally outclassed by 2* 50+ levels below her.

    I used to like Gamora, too.

    Sounds to me like you don't know how to Gamora.

    I keep her at 0/5/5 (for my own reasons), so capped at 140.

    Red is doing 2384 for 5 Red AP.
    Black is providing 204 strike tiles.

    Use Black, use abilities that hit often, win.
  • whitecat31
    whitecat31 Posts: 579 Critical Contributor
    You mentioned you have CAGE. I would suggest you use him more often. He has saved me more than a few health packs. I know some of the characters are powered up. like Gamora, IM40, and daredevil, but that does not mean they are good characters to use in all situations. IM40 is a great feeder. Keep his yellow at 2 covers and you can get 9 red and 9 blue (if lucky) from your 8 yellow sacrifice. That means feeding your daredevil, and well daredevil is not exactly a top 20 character. He is fun at times but his trap tile is easily overwritten by daken when a green match is made. Also that trap tile rarely ever gets put in the right spot.
    Somebody else already pointed out that Gamora is not the best.

    Anyway I feel your pain about the health packs. Good luck.
  • wiz_biz
    wiz_biz Posts: 166 Tile Toppler
    i was right there with you, but only thought i was losing so much health in the first sub-event...then along came florida. 17 NODES ON THE FIRST PASS. i started almost 3 hours ago...granted, i've had to stop for a couple of meetings (thankfully a little health pack recharge at least) but holy business, it's painful. node after node of venom and daken and rags...and very unfriendly scaling which limits me to mainly boosted characters. sheesh.

    although gamora has been my light in a very very dark place...just got her up to 5/4/4 and i feel like i'm finally reaping the benefits!
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    Buret0 wrote:
    Sounds to me like you don't know how to Gamora.
    "Don't know how to?" There's no other way I can use her. The game hasn't seen fit to give me any more reds or blacks yet.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    Buret0 wrote:
    Sounds to me like you don't know how to Gamora.
    "Don't know how to?" There's no other way I can use her. The game hasn't seen fit to give me any more reds or blacks yet.

    I kept her on the sidelines until she was ready to party.
  • grunth13
    grunth13 Posts: 608 Critical Contributor
    I have cage, but he is still 2/4/4. I do have him at level 127, but his protect tile doesn't do as much help against the low ap abilities of the DA. Its not the match damage that does me in, its the 5 ap Ares green, the 5 ap daken blue, the 8ap gravity warp, etc. My patch is at level 127 and his 9 ap green gives me 1688 damage, while for 9 ap at level 94, would give almost 2000 damage. Now the ares damage starts escalating when you have him at level 200 and all of a sudden your 9 ap green is going to do 4-5K damage and most of us can't take too many of those without having a meat shield. They really need to freshen up the scaling be consistent with other characters in that level. Gamora's razor's edge is a 5 ap ability and leveled to 221 for me in the Hunt and it does 2254 (if the AI deems me worth of getting that much ap in red) while Ares would do so almost 2 times as much, usually with a green feeder. Its just frustrating sometimes. There is no puzzle when you don't have the tools.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    my gamora is 4/5/2 in my level 104 group, boosted to 198. her red is doing 2000+ for 5 ap which is very respectable but you need all 5 covers. I chose to feed her red/black with Cyclops/doom and it went ok for me. never got her black off - its way too expensive. board was yellow heavy so it was Cyclops feeding her red the whole match. really didn't use her in anything but essential. there are better options for the others for me.
  • grunth13
    grunth13 Posts: 608 Critical Contributor
    I guess I should have put a disclaimer to my original post. I wasn't looking for advice on rosters, because I have a fairly robust group. I have ideally max covered gsbw, blade, cap marvel, daken, DD, Dr. Doom, Gamora, Mystique, Psylocke, Mo'Storm, Hulk, Punisher, Thor, Patch, Falcon and Loki. Almost ideally max covered (lacking 1-2 covers) are BP, SRCA, Beast, IF, IM40, R&G, Hood. I also have all the 2* at 94 except bullseye. Magneto, cyclops, KK, She-Hulk, SQ, Colosus, Torch, Cage are in various states with 3-5 covers missing but still usable against lower level normal nodes. Almost all of those characters are leveled at 127 with some in the 104 to 110 mark (only the none covered ones). The point of my original post was the disconnect on scaling and power discrepancy of DA who are lower levels than our boosted characters, but do more damage. Therefore, you can't use roster diversity against them, you have to use the top leveled characters for each of those nodes because otherwise you just don't have enough time to gain the ap you need to get started. Their powers are cheap in ap cost. Their powers scale a heck of a lot higher than our characters in 3* land do. They continue to "fun balance" our characters that we have to fight them. They have not "fun balanced" any of the over scaled DA villains except for Moonstone which made her even more dangerous to fight against. Lastly, even with taking significant damage, my nodes still are going UP. If I had trouble at level 217 with my roster, why would they think that I won't have trouble at level 255 with the same roster? Its just amazing as to the disconnect.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    agreed DA are always OP, that's why ares is so prevalent in ** land and when they scale, they scale crazy. not looking forward to my next clear and grind. at least with the grind I might be able to skip the last couple of nodes and focus on the essentials that don't scale quite so hard.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    grunth13 wrote:
    I guess I should have put a disclaimer to my original post. I wasn't looking for advice on rosters, because I have a fairly robust group. I have ideally max covered gsbw, blade, cap marvel, daken, DD, Dr. Doom, Gamora, Mystique, Psylocke, Mo'Storm, Hulk, Punisher, Thor, Patch, Falcon and Loki. Almost ideally max covered (lacking 1-2 covers) are BP, SRCA, Beast, IF, IM40, R&G, Hood. I also have all the 2* at 94 except bullseye. Magneto, cyclops, KK, She-Hulk, SQ, Colosus, Torch, Cage are in various states with 3-5 covers missing but still usable against lower level normal nodes. Almost all of those characters are leveled at 127 with some in the 104 to 110 mark (only the none covered ones). The point of my original post was the disconnect on scaling and power discrepancy of DA who are lower levels than our boosted characters, but do more damage. Therefore, you can't use roster diversity against them, you have to use the top leveled characters for each of those nodes because otherwise you just don't have enough time to gain the ap you need to get started. Their powers are cheap in ap cost. Their powers scale a heck of a lot higher than our characters in 3* land do. They continue to "fun balance" our characters that we have to fight them. They have not "fun balanced" any of the over scaled DA villains except for Moonstone which made her even more dangerous to fight against. Lastly, even with taking significant damage, my nodes still are going UP. If I had trouble at level 217 with my roster, why would they think that I won't have trouble at level 255 with the same roster? Its just amazing as to the disconnect.

    First, [wall of text].

    Second, DA isn't that tough, even when they scale because most of their abilities are **** compared to what you can field.

    I'm using Gamora, KK, and 4hor right now for the Thor Required node... not just because they are boosted, but also because they work well together. My Smite is very poorly covered, so I only use 4hor's yellow and blue. Gamora's got her red and black. KK's got the healing, green battery, and nuke. I wait for Gamora's Black before using the nuke, then I finish them off with Reds. I don't concentrate on grabbing yellow or blue, but those abilities are useful against DA.
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    I haven't had much trouble with the first sub, aside from Let's Dance node. For me, the secret is to use Kamala Khan as much as possible. She is a godsend for this event. I use her for all 3 essential nodes. The second secret is to use characters w/ same colors as your enemies. the reason is that the board tends to be biased more toward whatever colors the AI team is fielding. And if you can match those colors, you'll deny AI the ability to fire off abilities while feeding your own. Good luck!
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    Buret0 wrote:
    Even boosted, Gamora does not do good damage per AP, and I've got her 5/3/2, soft-capped at 114, so she comes out at 208.

    Green: 1417 team damage for 12 (comparison: Storm at level 150 does 2888 team damage for 11!)
    Red: 1142 for 5 (comparison: Torch does 2599 for 8 and returns 2 AP)
    Black: 83 strike tiles

    Pretty bad when the boosted 3* is totally outclassed by 2* 50+ levels below her.

    I used to like Gamora, too.

    Sounds to me like you don't know how to Gamora.

    I keep her at 0/5/5 (for my own reasons), so capped at 140.

    Red is doing 2384 for 5 Red AP.
    Black is providing 204 strike tiles.

    Use Black, use abilities that hit often, win.
    I don't know about 0,5,5 for a build, but I have her 3,5,5 and run her with IF and Groot (3 in yellow). Strike tiles, strike tiles everywhere!! And 1 really devastating attack tile to double the damage. I then use Groots green to blow someone up. Very satisfying.
  • velaic22
    velaic22 Posts: 3
    My Gamora is 553, lv127. I use her with my 444 starlord, lv150 and 355 kamala, lv137. This is my favourite team for high level 2* node in 'The Hunt'.
    With starload yellow casted, her red is just for 3ap.
    I can easily down 1 enemy when i store enough red, maybe 12 red?
  • babinro
    babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor
    I used up 8 health packs on my 2nd clear of the second sub.

    Every match went well but one which had me risking 9000 health HB and ~3000 health Fist/SW and failing.
    HB was forced to eat a daken blue general match damage finished him off so it was over.

    Very tough subs like this can be frustrating but they weed people out for placement due to minimizing the grind element of the game.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    2nd clear on Florida got me. One total wipe and many finishes with only 1 standing. Scaled