Ultron doesnt go down by Punisher under 30% of max health.

Ledonjon Posts: 11 Just Dropped In
When I finally get Ultron to 30% of his health, using Punishers red, Ultron should go down but this doesnt happen!
I already lost 2 times because of this flaw.
Just now he started with 23000 and I wanted to drop him at health 7500. Didnt happen. Just 900 damage; I lost.


  • 30% of 23,000 is 6,900.

    It's okay, happens to all of us.
  • Jasonzakibe
    Jasonzakibe Posts: 89 Match Maker
    Yes, Punisher's red works very well on Ultron. Especially if you can get it in Team up form, because his green and black aren't nearly as useful in that match.