MPQ Community Video - Transcript Complete

I will apologize in advance to Will and Miles, because I sat there and typed this out syllable for syllable that came out of your mouths. It is, to my knowledge, 99.9% accurate. If you see something in parentheses ( ) I couldn't quite make out what was said.

Because of this, you'll see exactly what was said in the video - it's amazing how our ears and brains filter out a fair bit of the filler as we listen to people talk!


Miles: Welcome to the, uh, June community video. Uhhh, I'm Miles Benjamin, I'm a designer on Marvel Puzzle Quest.

Will: And I'm Will Jennings-Hess, and I'm the lead designer.

M: Uhh, wanted to start off this video ahh with a shout out to uhh Nate (Heads?) a friend of the company ehh a little while back he was really nice and went through some great lengths and got us all the covers that you see in the game. We got a - a couple down here and a couple behind us and it's taken us, like, far too long to get some frames for them. Uhh. Heh. So we're really excited -

W: Now we've got - now we have the frames.

M: -now we got 'em and we're very excited uhhh so we just wanted to give him a shout out and thank you so much. Uhhh in fact uhhh you got a pretty rare - that Black Widow cover you always get a million of in the game - those are actually apparently really hard to come by in the real world, so uhh great job, thank you so much and, you know, keep 'em coming.

W: So we're going to tell you a little bit about ummm some of the new stuff we have going into the game for season sixteen which starts uhhh probably just a couple of days after this video comes out. It's gonna - it's gonna start on friday, uh, thursday the twenty fifth or friday the twenty sixth depending on what uhh, um, what uhh when you choose to start those events.

M: Right.

W: Uhh, uhh, so one of the first things we did uhh coming to you this season uhh we mentioned it a little bit in the last video but I wanted to give more details. The uhh the, that uh, SHIELD Simulator event that runs through the whole month where you can fight with whatever teams you want uhh that had a whole bunch of one-stars you could earn in there uhh as you, as you progress through up to a score of about 2400. We shifted that up and we're making those rewards a lot richer. Ehh so, right now those progression awards have about thirty five hundred more Iso-8 in them, twice the number of three stars... ummm... there's a hero token in there and there is now gonna be a four star at a score of 2000. (Good? Cool?)

M: Uhhh another change we're-we're doing is uh a while back we, uhh, adjusted the match damage on uhh one stars, two stars and three stars ahh when they got to higher levels. And uhh because they- they were becoming much stronger than- than the four stars at the- at the higher levels and we thought that was unfair. But we sorta left minions out of ahnn ahhn sort of non playable characters out of that group and we've gone through and we've adjusted the- their match damage so in the ahh off chance that they are making a match or they're on a team with somebody else who's making matches, uhmm, that match damage will be uhh more what you'd expect to see ahh especially at- at higher levels.

W: Cool. And, and tss-uh, the k- uh, we like re-tuned some of their abilities too, so um if you- if you look at the descriptions of some of their abilities you might see them say that they are doing more damage but the total of their match damage plus the- the damage that the ability does, um, is gonna wind up being the same.

M: Yep. So don't- so don't be alarmed if you see something changing.

W: Yep..... Ahhh, what did- what did I wanna talk about next - oh yeah I wanted to talk a little bit ahhh about ummm the uhhh we-we're making a change to how we give out new four stars, when a new four star comes out, ummm, usually your first chance to earn it is in a story event. Uhh, and uhh used to be that those new four stars went out to uh the top fifty players,

M: Yes. Yep.

W: Um and uh no- now we're basically doubling the amount of uh of those, you know, go out to so, so the top fifty players, top hundred players are gonna get a copy of the new, um, the new four stars. Used to be the top ten players got two covers for them now the top twenty players will get two covers from them and so on.

M: And ahh and sorta to go along with that we're- we're bumping up the uhh chances to get four stars out of our, ahh, our heroic packs, our event packs, ummm so ahh we've given the four stars 50% ahh more budget so umm yeah so you're gonna be more likely to- to pull a four star out of one of those packs.

W: Cool. Along the, along those same lines, same theme, uh we're adding another four star progression reward to versus events. Uh so that's gonna be at 1300 points - there's already one at- at a thousand uh a bunch of people are getting that and we wanna i-i-include another... another more ambitious target to fight for, for those folks that are really fightin' hard. So there's another four star at 1300.

W: Uhh, you wanna talk about..loaners?

M: Oh yeah, um, so for, uh, for our versus events, um, for the longest time we've just had uhh we give you the- a copy of the character to play with in the versus events and it's always been uh just one cover of the first- of the first power. And, ahh, we decided that it's more exciting and gives you a little more flavor for the character if you don't have him already, or her already, ahh to give you one of each power. So from now on in- in our versus events you're gonna get uhh one of each power, uhh for the loaner character and you can give 'em a shot and see what you think, uhh and really give ahh you know, try and get a feel for the character over the course of the event.

W: Cool. Ahh, uhh, uhh, I wanted to give you a little more detail too about something we told you was coming in the last uhh- the last video. Um, which is, uh which we're calling the Vault. Umm, you're gonna see this for the first time in Deadpool Daily on Sunday the 28th of this month, so right after the start of Season 16. Uhh, it's ahh it's a new way to get covers. It's gonna replace the usual store page, um so, we're gonna need to splice in a little bit of video that will show you- show you what that looks like. Um but basically when you go to s- the store page for the event, you're gonna see uhh a list of - a list of covers. Um, and after you're - you redeem a token or you purchase one of those packs, umm you'll- you'll pull one of those things out of the Vault umm and then it'll be uhh it'll be gone from the Vault. It'll get a little check mark next to it, so that means if you're trying to pull the really exciting wuh-three, four stars that'll be in there, umm y- if you didn't get it the first time you're more and more likely to get it until you finally get it. Uhh other...other details about that uhhh, there's - that Vault rotates every five days with a new, uh, every time Deadpool Daily rotates.

M: Yep.

W: Ummm eeee fuhhh...

M: Yeah, so this is- this is gonna replace uhh where you used to spend Taco tokens.
[Nice save, Miles! - Bluey]

W: Exactly, yeah, taco tokens do this new thing instead. Uhh if you already got all the awesome things out of the vault and there's a bunch of other things in the vault that you don't want you could also spend hero points to reset the vault, redraw a new uh random collection of characters that you can try to go after. Um, there's also uhh just like the- the taco tokens is a little bit different from our regular tokens, these new vault tokens have a whole bunch of stuff in there. There are some big Iso-8 prizes and a- a big hero points prize...a bunch of 250 hero points prizes, uh, health packs-

M: Yeah, health packs, that's what I was gonna say.

W: So this this like this vault is different from any other- any other packs in the game and uhh we're interested in hearing what you think about it.

M: Cool. Ahh I think that's everything?

W: Yeah.

M: Yeah? So thanks for watching and uhh, and here's some video of uhh of the Vault.

W: Thanks for playing.


  • rofl you kept all the ums and ahs

    when do 4* characters get increased odds in tokens? Is that Sunday?
  • raisinbman wrote:
    rofl you kept all the ums and ahs

    when do 4* characters get increased odds in tokens? Is that Sunday?

    I thought it was funny to keep them. Everyone speaks like that, we just tend to filter it out a lot. icon_e_smile.gif

    They didn't give an exact time for when the 4* increase happens, just that it was happening. We can assume that it will be when the season starts, I guess?
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    raisinbman wrote:
    rofl you kept all the ums and ahs

    when do 4* characters get increased odds in tokens? Is that Sunday?
    More likely Monday. It'll take a data patch which we don't do on weekends unless it's an emergency. There's a *chance* that we could push it Friday, but I wouldn't make any solid plans for that.
  • dearbluey wrote:
    raisinbman wrote:
    rofl you kept all the ums and ahs

    when do 4* characters get increased odds in tokens? Is that Sunday?

    I thought it was funny to keep them. Everyone speaks like that, we just tend to filter it out a lot. icon_e_smile.gif

    They didn't give an exact time for when the 4* increase happens, just that it was happening. We can assume that it will be when the season starts, I guess?

    You forgot the special Will's head shakes.
  • arktos1971 wrote:
    You forgot the special Will's head shakes.

    If I had to do that, I would have had to add the two open-hands-thrusting-forward gesture Miles kept doing (dynamic, managerial businessman mode), or the little one-clap Will did when he was talking about not liking what was in the vault, like LOUD SOUND TO DISTRACT THE SQUIRRELS! CLAP!

    it would never end. icon_razz.gif
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Also, since I didn't say it above, thanks for this! I've linked it from the main post so that people can click over to it if they want to.
  • IceIX wrote:
    Also, since I didn't say it above, thanks for this! I've linked it from the main post so that people can click over to it if they want to.

    Welcome! I hope Will and Miles don't mind the way I did it. It's fun to listen to the video and read this at the same time. icon_razz.gif
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    IceIX wrote:
    raisinbman wrote:
    rofl you kept all the ums and ahs

    when do 4* characters get increased odds in tokens? Is that Sunday?
    More likely Monday. It'll take a data patch which we don't do on weekends unless it's an emergency. There's a *chance* that we could push it Friday, but I wouldn't make any solid plans for that.

    Please, please, please never, ever release anything on Friday.

    But big ups to dearbluey for doing this.