Tournament idea - Six Star Showdown

Just an idea that was rolling around in my brain - a tournament with a limit of six rarity stars max per team. So you could use a ***, but they'd have to be teamed with a ** and a * (or two *'s). Three **'s would be just fine, and 1 **** and 2 *'s. I think this could be a great equalizer event for casual and veteran players alike once the dust settled on nerfs and whatnot. Could even have a very special token as a progression prize that guarantees multiple covers totalling six stars worth of rarity... I'd be hoping for a pair of ***'s! Hate to get stuck with 6 *'s!


  • Sounds cool, I think I'd rock that. Got no high level 3 stars, so I'd have 3+ guys each battle.
  • Fantastically creative idea.

    You would probably either go with 3-2-1 or 2-2-2. 4-1-1 would be ridiculous.

    I think I'd rock a Hood/Ares/Modern Black Widow given my roster.
  • It's a great idea and has been mentioned a few times before. (viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1411)