Superior Spider-Man!

slantedandenchanted Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
edited February 2016 in Speculation and Concepts

The Superior Spider-Man!

blueflag.png Superior Intellect (Passive) : Otto's intellect shines in the field of battle proving just how superior he is! Whenever you destroy an enemy special tile decrease any allied countdown tiles by 1. Also turns a random basic blue tile into a strength X blue defense tile. Strength number depends on number of webbed tiles on the board.
Level 2: decrease two allied countdown tiles by 1
Level 3: decreases three allied countdown tiles by 1 and creates a webbed tile randomly on the board.
Level 4: Also turns a random basic tile into a strength X strike tile. Strength number depends on number of webbed tiles on the board.
Level 5: decreases all allied countdown tiles by 1

purpleflag.png 7 AP Spider-Bots!: Otto unleashes his spider-bots against his opponents! Turn any chosen basic blue or purple tile into a 3-turn countdown tile. When countdown is finished, turns two random basic tiles into a strength 27 attack tile and a webbed tile.
Level 2: Turn two basic blue or purple tiles into 3-turn countdown tiles. Attack tile strength increased to 44.
Level 3: Turn three basic blue or purple tiles into 3-turn countdown tiles. Attack tile strength increased to 60
Level 4: Turn four basic blue or purple tiles into 3-turn countdown tiles. Attack tile strength increased to 85
Level 5: Turn any five blue or purple tiles into 2-turn countdown tiles. Attack tile strength increased to 120

yellowflag.png 10 AP Web Assault: Using fury and ferocity, Otto uses his own webbed attacks to strike the opponent with a tremendous amount of speed, but leaves himself open for an attack afterwards. Destroys all webbed tiles dealing 75 damage for each tile destroyed and creates a strength 20 black attack tile for every webbed tile destroyed. Destroyed tiles do not gain AP. If there are no webbed tiles, creates two anywhere on the board and make a strength 25 attack tile for both teams(Black for enemy, Red for allies).
Level 2: Deals 120 damage for each tile destroyed
Level 3: Deals 200 damage for each tile destroyed
Level 4: Deals 300 damage for each tile destroyed
Level 5: Destroys 2x3 block of tiles around each webbed tile.

I'm probably gonna come back and edit this, but please leave me some suggestions because I had a hard time thinking about how he could be a well-balanced offensive style Spider-Man using webbed tiles as offensive attacks much like Invisible Woman is. I also added a little bit of Doc Ock to the mix, but I also had to remember that I designed him as a 4 star.png hero! (:


  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    On its own, the Intellect is a fun ability. But when paired with Kingpin, it's just bonkers. When paired with Loki, it's absurd. That's the magic group. Kingpin. Loki. Superior Spider-Man. It'd be lolsome.
  • Unknown
    Your superior spider-man is great, the only change i would make, is on Web assault.the damage depends exclusively the web tiles.So if you dont have any, the power will be useless. I think you could make the web tiles, to do an additional damage.But its just a suggestion, feel free to make your char like you want. Both Superior intellect and Spider-bots, are awesome.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    xubango wrote:
    Your superior spider-man is great, the only change i would make, is on Web assault.the damage depends exclusively the web tiles.So if you dont have any, the power will be useless. I think you could make the web tiles, to do an additional damage.But its just a suggestion, feel free to make your char like you want. Both Superior intellect and Spider-bots, are awesome.

    Completely disagree, think IW Force Field Crush.. just add something that it can do in case no tiles exist!

    This is a character i would use!
  • slantedandenchanted
    slantedandenchanted Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
    Updated! Also counts as a bump just because Spider-Gwen was released recently so why not the Superior Spider-Man?!