Deadpool Daily Quest - Round 26 - June 23-27

Tomorrow, I will be busy and hard pressed to update. Assuming the FIGHTS don't change, they should be the same as round 25. Rewards...well, I'm assuming nothing at this point. I'll put up the basic post today, but I'll leave the rewards blank until we know what's going on with them and the whole Vault thingy.

Want to outwit cats with Black Tweety? Explore your confused chi with Psyduck? Maybe hang in the lab with Sully or sing patriotic songs with Stevie Wonderbread? Or at the end of the day, have angsty conversations with Fabio Self-Harm? This week, you can do all of this and more! It's round twenty six of Deadpool's Daily Quests!

Covers for this round will be Falcon (Yellow), Psylocke (Red), Beast (Blue), Bullseye (Purple) and the last was totally Captain America (Yellow). It be cool, yo.

Day One:
That Guy From That Place -
Hawkeye** (15), Defender (10), Defender(10)

Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Brawler (20), Decoy (22), Defender (25), Brawler(28)
Wave 2 Decoy (40), Decoy (42), Ironman*** (50), Criterion (46)

Third Time's The Charm -
Doctor Octopus*** (74), Loki*** (70), Human Torch*** (71)

Dat Required Character -
Thor** (64), Black Widow** (60), Bullseye** (63)

The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Teisatsu (99), Teisatsu (100), Teisatsu (105)
Wave 2 Luke Cage*** (112), Punisher*** (111), Captain America*** (110)
Wave 3 Konran (122), Konran(121), Shinobi (120)
Wave 4 Gorgon*** (130), Deadpool*** (132), Wolverine**** (131)

Reward:Falcon (Yellow)

Dear Bluey,
what's the worst conversation you've ever heard?
-Curious in Quebec

Dear Curious,
Two cannibals were eating a clown. One turned to the other and said "Frank...this tastes funny."
Day Two:
That Guy From That Place -
Human Torch** (15), Thug (10), Thug (10)

Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Thug (20), Hitman (22), Hitman (25), Thug(28)
Wave 2 Thug (40), Hitman (42), Gamora*** (50), Thug(46)

Third Time's The Charm -
Daken*** (74), Hood*** (70), Rocket&Groot*** (71)

Dat Required Character -
Wolverine** (64), Daken** (60), Captain Marvel** (63)

The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Criterion (99), Subject (100), Empiricist (105)
Wave 2 Captain Marvel*** (112), Beast*** (111), Daredevil*** (110)
Wave 3 Control (122), Control (121), Criterion (120)
Wave 4 Invisible Woman**** (130), Black Widow*** (132), Blade*** (131)

Reward:Psylocke (Red)

Dear Bluey,
I recently got a dog from the animal shelter. I took pity on the poor thing because it had, like, no legs. Like, zero. However, now I've lost the dog. Where do you think it is?
-Sad Dog Owner in San Francisco

Dear Sad,
Wherever you left it.
Day Three:
That Guy From That Place -
Captain America** (15), Spy (10), Spy (10)

Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Soldier (20), Pyro (22), Lieutenant (25), Analyst (28)
Wave 2 Assassin (40), Grenadier (42), Psylocke*** (50), Pyro(46)

Third Time's The Charm -
Loki*** (74), Mystique*** (70), Spiderman*** (71)

Dat Required Character -
Bullseye** (64), Spiderman** (60), Thor** (63)

The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Decoy (99), Brawler (100), Decoy (105)
Wave 2 Wolverine*** (112), Human Torch*** (111), Thor*** (110)
Wave 3 Defender (122), Decoy (121), Brawler(120)
Wave 4 Doctor Doom*** (130), Elektra**** (132), Squirrel Girl*** (131)

Reward:Beast (Blue)

Dear Bluey,
I've been really freaking out lately. Sometimes I think that I'm a teepee. Other times, I think I'm a wigwam. It's really starting to affect my day to day life and I can't concentrate on anything else. What do I do?
-Panicked in Portland

Dear Panicked,
Calm down. You're too tense.
Day Four:
That Guy From That Place -
Daken** (15), Teisatsu (10), Teisatsu (10)

Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Teisatsu (20), Teisatsu (22), Shinobi (25), Teisatsu (28)
Wave 2 Shinobi (40), Konran (42), Squirrel Girl*** (50), Shinobi(46)

Third Time's The Charm -
Daken*** (74), Falcon*** (70), Loki*** (71)

Dat Required Character -
Captain Marvel** (64), Captain America** (60), Magneto** (63)

The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Hitman (99), Thug (100), Hitman (105)
Wave 2 Human Torch*** (112), Ironman*** (111), Magneto*** (110)
Wave 3 Muscle (122), Hitman (121), Brawler(120)
Wave 4 Invisible Woman**** (130), Beast*** (132), Storm*** (131)

Reward:Bullseye (Purple)

Dear Bluey,
I think one of my chickens made a pact with Satan. It's turning red and grown horns - and it breathes fire!! What should I do?
-Nervous in Nantucket.

Dear Nervous,
Make bank selling devilled eggs.
Day Five:
That Guy From That Place -
Hawkeye** (15), Assassin (10), Assassin (10)

Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Soldier (20), Lieutenant (22), Pyro (25), Spy (28)
Wave 2 Commander (40), Lieutenant (42), Blade*** (50), Spy(46)

Third Time's The Charm -
Black Panther*** (74), Ragnarok*** (70), Doctor Octopus*** (71)

Dat Required Character -
Wolverine** (64), Black Widow** (60), Bullseye** (63)

The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Empiricist (99), Criterion (100), Control (105)
Wave 2 Luke Cage*** (112), Psylocke*** (111), Magneto*** (110)
Wave 3 Control (122), Control (121), Control(120)
Wave 4 Wolverine**** (130), Deadpool*** (132), Daredevil*** (131)

Reward:Captain America (Yellow)

Dear Bluey,
My long-distance German boyfriend, Hans, recently cheated on me with another woman. I feel shocked, hurt, betrayed and angry. I don't know whether to forgive him or leave him. We've never actually met, but I know we had something special. Advice please?
-Bewildered in Boston.

Dear Bewildered,
Delete his information from your phone and go Hans-free.


  • Bisounour
    Bisounour Posts: 9 Just Dropped In
    The in-game tokens list Bullseye and not Sentry.
  • Bisounour wrote:
    The in-game tokens list Bullseye and not Sentry.

    Interesting. Perhaps they're shaking it up a bit. We'll see.
  • 12chris6
    12chris6 Posts: 57 Match Maker
    NINJAS! DAMN, BLOODY NINJAS! I was running Storm, Thor, and Black Widow (all 2* and maxed out) and limped out of the first wave (Storm was pretty badly damaged & the other 2 were ok). I didn't have any blue ap at all so I had to play the 2nd way normally. I somehow limped out of that one also, same results (no deaths, thank god). When I got to the final Konran, I was finally able to play my game. In 4 turns before his meteor hit, I was able to stock everything up. Finished the 4th wave with ease. Worst daily deadpool quest in a long while.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Got my first Falcon Yellow cover today! Woo! (and ouch!)

    Dear Bluey.... i will always check this thread, even if i have every 3* maxed.

    Your comments, poems, etc... are always fun. Never stop!
  • Malcrof wrote:
    Got my first Falcon Yellow cover today! Woo! (and ouch!)

    Dear Bluey.... i will always check this thread, even if i have every 3* maxed.

    Your comments, poems, etc... are always fun. Never stop!

    I think someone adds them after I post the thread. I'm the most humourless man you'll ever meet. It's a conspiracy, I tells ya.
  • Does anyone know if stockpiled tacos will count for this week's awards. I had saved last week's tacos and hoped it would count for this week since I need more falcon and Steve Rodgers.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    Luxet wrote:
    Does anyone know if stockpiled tacos will count for this week's awards. I had saved last week's tacos and hoped it would count for this week since I need more falcon and Steve Rodgers.

    Nope, last weeks will be stockpiled and draw last week's rate (until next week, when they'll draw next week - they won't draw Falcon/Steve until maybe next color rotation)
  • Thanks Snow! Darnit! I guess all I can do is wait till the end of this cycle and open them all at once for some chance I guess. I guess I can save these stockpiled for the iron fist week. icon_e_sad.gif
  • mr_X
    mr_X Posts: 375 Mover and Shaker
    Whoa. That was a nasty one today. Saved by a murderous aim team up that the game kindly equipped for me.
  • Ok I'm re-quoting this awesom post:
    Marty17 wrote:
    OK, round 2 of my assumption of the release pattern.

    3rd June - 7th June

    8th June - 12th June

    13th June - 17th June

    18th June - 22nd June

    23rd June - 27th June

    28th June - 2nd July

    3rd July - 7th July

    8th July - 12th July

    13th July - 17th July

    So if I had stockpiled last week's taco's it might be worthwhile for me to not open them since it could coincide with the iron fist week based on what you told me Snow of how these rotations work. Last week stockpile I guess will work for the blade week or the iron fist rotation. This is so confusing.

    ETA: I don't even know if it's worth it to stockpile but I guess my reasoning would be to try to increase the odds a little. I remember some getting what they need and others not happy. Ughhhh
  • 12chris6 wrote:
    NINJAS! DAMN, BLOODY NINJAS! I was running Storm, Thor, and Black Widow (all 2* and maxed out) and limped out of the first wave (Storm was pretty badly damaged & the other 2 were ok). I didn't have any blue ap at all so I had to play the 2nd way normally. I somehow limped out of that one also, same results (no deaths, thank god). When I got to the final Konran, I was finally able to play my game. In 4 turns before his meteor hit, I was able to stock everything up. Finished the 4th wave with ease. Worst daily deadpool quest in a long while.

    I pretty much played the same BE you did this morning with some notable exceptions...

    My 2hor barely made it out of Wave 1, no blue AP throughout 2nd wave, 3rd wave was scary until I narrowed the field down to the last conran, banked AP like crazy, but still lacked blue AP...

    Final wave was scary and "old school" all the way. Got one cStorm blue off 4-5 moves in. Could not find blue to save my life (literally), but OBW's purple came through HUGE...

    I pretty much "stole" them to death. icon_eek.gificon_e_wink.gificon_lol.gif

  • I have a question about Deadpool Daily Quest, is the cover giving always the first power.
  • I have a question about Deadpool Daily Quest, is the cover giving always the first power.

    That would be a big negatori, sir. The covers are on a rotation (although that could change at any time) and after all the characters go through the first cover, they move to the second cover, then the third. Then back to the beginning.

    At least, so far, but with 26 rounds so far it's a precedent that has lasted up until this point.
  • so...thats interesting. if the enemy kills themselves in a survival node, and goes to the next wave its still their turn
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    raisinbman wrote:
    so...thats interesting. if the enemy kills themselves in a survival node, and goes to the next wave its still their turn

    if they killed themselves casting an ability, then yes, technically it would be like sundering your ares to death, you still get to make a tile match after.
  • Malcrof wrote:
    raisinbman wrote:
    so...thats interesting. if the enemy kills themselves in a survival node, and goes to the next wave its still their turn

    if they killed themselves casting an ability, then yes, technically it would be like sundering your ares to death, you still get to make a tile match after.
    it makes sense under the 'ruleset'(a first for d3!), just really didn't know what would happen
  • rainkingucd
    rainkingucd Posts: 1,433 Chairperson of the Boards
    dearbluey wrote:
    Bisounour wrote:
    The in-game tokens list Bullseye and not Sentry.

    Interesting. Perhaps they're shaking it up a bit. We'll see.

    Just started cashing in tokens and pulled 2 blackflag.pngicon_bullseye.png , which is good because I was sitting at 4 / 0 / 4
  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    Just pulled my first icon_bullseye.pngblackflag.png this week. So I'm 3/1/4 for him. I'm hoping for more Bullseye, and soon. He's so fun.
  • ThePLAV
    ThePLAV Posts: 28
    Of course I unpack my first Psylocke the very day after she's featured. Missed out on a cover, token, and ISO. icon_mad.gif

    On the bright side, I've now collected one of each 3* icon_mrgreen.gif
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    ThePLAV wrote:
    Of course I unpack my first Psylocke the very day after she's featured. Missed out on a cover, token, and ISO. icon_mad.gif

    On the bright side, I've now collected one of each 3* icon_mrgreen.gif

    Feels good doesn't it, having 1 of everyone. Other than Devil Dino and a couple 1*'s i don't want, i recently obtained a full collection, all 2*s max covered (except poor 1/2/1 bagman), all 3*'s, many fully covered, but all with at least 6, and now all 4*s, only 1 usable, 1 close, but other than new releases, i am ready for any essential they want to throw at me.

    Now, can anyone loan me 2million ISO and 4 black Psylocke covers?