Keep Getting Signed Out of Facebook

Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
As the title says, I play on my tablet in the morning before work and my phone when I have breaks at work. I noticed last week that I have been getting signed out on my phone and it happened again this morning. I had not lost any progress during my switch between devices - tokens, iso, covers, I signed back in again and took some screenshots in case the game decides to act up. It seems every time I go back on I have been signed out again. It is a real pita to have to check that I am signed in every time and run the risk of losing progress or rewards. Is anyone else noticing this?


  • JamesV
    JamesV Posts: 98 Match Maker
    I'm having it about every two weeks now.

    It's an absolutely nightmare and utterly ridiculous. Currently happening right now. Again.