Prox X Blind Spot Bug

Buret0 Posts: 1,591
So, the order of operations is a bit messed up on Blind Spot.

Here is how it is working:

1) Prof makes a match;
2) Attack tiles damage the enemy;
3) Blind Spot upgrades the attack tiles.

The attack tiles are hitting the enemy at the start of their turn, Blind Spot should be improving the attack tiles at the end of your turn, before the attack tile damage.


  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    I'm going to bump this because I've seen all sorts of crazy nonsense going on with Blind Spot.

    Like how if there are no special tiles out when the matches get made the game pauses for a long time to "activate" the powers, the length of the delay based on the number of matches that you make. So even if you have no special tiles on the board, if you make a long cascade there is a very uncomfortable moment when the game freezes as Blind Spot silently procs in the background with nothing happening in the foreground.

    Then, there are the times when you haven't made a match and PX suddenly decides to boost a bunch of tiles for no reason.

    Then there's the case where you make a match five with no special tiles out as a result of having used a tile generation ability... I've had instances where Psychic Convergence will sometimes put the tiles out before Blind Spot boosts and other times where Blind Spot doesn't boost anything.

    The first post is easily reproducible and clearly a bug (boosting on the opponent's turn AFTER the attack tiles rather than during your turn after the matches are made).
  • Buret0 wrote:
    So, the order of operations is a bit messed up on Blind Spot.

    Here is how it is working:

    1) Prof makes a match;
    2) Attack tiles damage the enemy;
    3) Blind Spot upgrades the attack tiles.

    The attack tiles are hitting the enemy at the start of their turn, Blind Spot should be improving the attack tiles at the end of your turn, before the attack tile damage.
    Actually what blind spot is doing is upgrade the tiles at the end of the turn instead of after a match made by PX, after attack tile damage but still in your turn.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    ShionSinX wrote:
    Buret0 wrote:
    So, the order of operations is a bit messed up on Blind Spot.

    Here is how it is working:

    1) Prof makes a match;
    2) Attack tiles damage the enemy;
    3) Blind Spot upgrades the attack tiles.

    The attack tiles are hitting the enemy at the start of their turn, Blind Spot should be improving the attack tiles at the end of your turn, before the attack tile damage.
    Actually what blind spot is doing is upgrade the tiles at the end of the turn instead of after a match made by PX, after attack tile damage but still in your turn.

    So are you saying that attack tiles are damaging the other team at the end of your turn instead of at the start of their turn?

    Still, why is Blind Spot waiting until after the attack tiles damage before doing the buff?
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    Maybe I should be posting this in main so that it gets fixed instead of in the correct forum, which seems to get ignored?
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Buret0 wrote:
    Maybe I should be posting this in main so that it gets fixed instead of in the correct forum, which seems to get ignored?
    Please don't do that. It just makes work for the moderators to move it to the correct forum.

    The developers don't always acknowledge bug reports made here, especially ones for specific character powers acting a bit unexpectedly, but they do take note of them. Some are easier to fix than others, but unless it's a really game-breaking bug they tend to roll the changes into their development schedule when they can.

    Order of operations issues are a real problem with more than one power in this game (I've posted in the past about AoE powers that stun a character and then knock them out, in reverse of how they are described), but they're also the kind of fix that has to be very carefully rolled in as they carry a serious danger of fixing one issue and creating another.

    (I've been doing a lot of policy-based routing at work lately. I have sympathy for people struggling with order of operations in a complex system.)