Inconsistancies and Imbalances in PVP Scoring

In this past season I repeatedly came across to issues in PVP scoring which made it frustrating to participate in the eventevents. The first was the points reward for winning changing from the start of the match to the end of the match. Now 1-5 points is no pin deal but I had numerous 15-20 points swings. This happened regardless of comparative team strength. As a player transitioning into a 3* roster; it's frustrating to play a maxed out 3* team with an underpowered 3*/maxed 2* team, and upon barely winning and receiving 1/3-1/2 of the points promised. And to know that when they retaliate and win, I may end up walking away with 3-5 points total.

The second was being able to retaliate for negative points. It's disheartening to lose 30+ points to a far superior team and only be able to retaliate for 15-20 points. I understand that as a transitioning team I get to be fodder for higher level players, but them getting rewarded for starting an event later then me is ridiculous. You cannot tell me that roster strength should not play a factor in awarding point totals or at least in the amount of points lost.

As a trasitioner I have to shoot for high point totals to earn progression rewards to improve my roster. But that high point totals just makes me an irresistible target to strong teams and means I will probably lose 300+ points to attacks just trying to get to 750. And I have to watch myself drop out of the Top 25 (sometimes out of the Top 100) in last hours of an event and know that if I break my shield, I'll just speed up the fall as the late teams feast on easy, large point totals.