is the $49.99 Iso worth it?

thats 25k Iso

If a character uses 1k a lvl (thats around what my thor uses right now)

that would only be 25 lvls.

I coul use it to get a bunch of people to 40 at least I think.

I right now have a Magneto now lv 25, thor 53, storm classic 40 something, the others are not that high.


  • I advice you to buy the Iso wisely If you invest on character that can farm Iso fast ( as in Tournament or shield training) then do so if not then don't. Read on my How much ISO can you collect a day topic viewtopic.php?f=7&t=289
  • I'd rather buy HP. I've bout 30k ISO saved up from about 2 weeks of playing naturally (I prefer keeping my character levels as low as possible). Do the PVP tournaments. That's where I get most of mine.
  • I'd also say only get HP if you are buying... you can get Iso a lot easier than HP for free
  • ZzzWolph wrote:
    I'd also say only get HP if you are buying... you can get Iso a lot easier than HP for free

    8500 HP...that sounds very appealing.
  • If you do decide to spend money to get HP, make sure you know what you want to do with it before you buy. I wouldn't put much into gambling random packs.. any HP I get now is gonna be for leveling skills