Shields, PVP scoring, and Alliances.

Sickboy254698 Posts: 27 Just Dropped In
Three topics that are driving me a way from this game.

Shields - This isn't really a new issue but with the 8 hour shield cooldowns its become a huge problem.If I pop my shield I get attacked at least 3 times within 10 minutes. Notice I said at least. My most recent shield pop rewarded me with 4 attacks. I of course lost all 4 and by the time my shield went back up I had broken even. During the last event i was attacked 7 times in less then 10 minutes after popping my shield. This is ridiculous. If my shield expires I rarely get attacked for an hour or more afterwards. When my shield is up I never get attacked unless there are 24 hours or less left in the event. But if I pop it to climb the leaderboard I get screwed.

Scoring - The new scoring system this is completely unfair. The game is already skewed towards long time players in PVP and this only makes it worse. Add to that Alliances rigging the leaderboard and I'm starting to ask what's the point.

Alliances - For those of you who think Alliances don't rig the leaderboard I was a fool once too. I am leaving my current alliance at the end of this season because they have made a deal with numerous other alliances for next season. I'm not going to throw anyone under the bus here but I will say something has to change.

I'm tired of spending money on this game to buy shields. I'm tired of not getting any points for defensive wins and losing way too many points when someone attacks me and I lose. Finally, I'm tired of knowing that once again a developer is going to stand idle while players collude to pad the leaderboards for themselves and the alliances they are friends with. It's cheating. Plain and simple.