Glitch in third cover powers with tokens?

Azoic Posts: 269 Mover and Shaker
edited June 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Ok, I started noticing how I have a lot of characters cover maxed, but most are not optimal---and of those, most are missing their third powers while getting many, many duplicates of the first 2 covers. So I wonder if there is a bug in how the cover is decided once the game determines you found a gold.

For example, in event packs, usually it is .3% for a 4* and .6% for any 3*. So the game does a "roll" and finds you found a Black Panther cover. However, at this point, how does the math work? I think there is something in the system that "rolls" down the line. So the code rolls to see if you get yellow (say 40% arbitrarily), if not, moves to blue (40%), and then if it passes those first two, gives the third cover. So on any given token, the first two have a higher probability of appearing. I can't imagine the system works like rolling a D6, and assigning yellow to 1-2, blue 2-4, and black 5-6.

Or it could be just horrible luck by most people...but it seems like the best power is usually the third, and most people have a problem getting them. Or maybe D3 designed the third power to be the best, and set up the math to make it more difficult. Personally, here were my problem covers while selling lots of duplicates:

1. yellow patch
2. blue cmags
3. green lthor (still missing--the one chance I had at it in pvp, off-season event, and you faced seed teams the whole time)
4. R&G, still at 3 blue
5. Spider-man, was 5/5/1 for long, long time
6. Punisher, still need 1 red
7. Doctor Doom
8. Sentry, still at 2 yellow
9. Colossus, at 3 black
10. Lcap, need one more blue, but get so many reds
11. Gamora, I don't know how many greens I have sold
12. Black Panther, ironically, black isn't found often
13. Hulk, I'm angry about anger
14. Daredevil, I have literally sold at least 5 blue, but sitting on 2 red.
15. 2* Bullseye got his green cover, and found so many blacks/purples


  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    I feel the same way, I sat on a 0/5/5 Luke Cage for awhile, also 5/5/0 Doom, 5/5/2 CMag, 1/5/5 Loki, 5/5/2 Spider-Man, etc. If it weren't for Deadpool Daily, I would have 2 powered characters! I just patiently wait for those covers to cycle through. They definitely hide the best covers from us, I don't believe it's all RNGed.
  • As with everything in this game, it's a case of viewing randomly generated numbers through the bias of your choosing. The computer always destroys you with cascades that had to be orchestrated, but never seems to give you those same cascades when you really want them.

    But they are there. You're getting crazy cascades all the time, but it's usually against level 30 mooks you were trouncing, anyways. You won't remember those as clearly as you will the last move of the last match on your last heal in the final minute of the PVP. Then, when the wrong move happens, it's proof that the computer cheats.

    My Scarlet Witch is 2/1/2. My Goddess is 1/2/1. My Doctor Octopus is 2/4/2. My Quicksilver is 3/2/3. Based on that dataset, you either get too many middle powers, or not enough.

    My Deadpool is 3/5/5. I only just got the third red. Proof that that computer doesn't want us to get red Deadpool covers.

    My Bullseye is 2/1/4. Clearly, the computer is forcing third powers on us and preventing us from getting the middle power, which we all know is always the best one, right?

    I have only two characters that accord to your theory. The first is Professor X, who's 1/1/0. That's not so much the computer trying to stop us from getting the third power as it is my extreme luck to have pulled two Xaviers from tokens. Conversely, I only have one cover for Starlord, 0/0/1.

    The second is Ragnarok, 5/5/1 whose third power is new and difficult to get.

    This theory has been around in one form or another for almost as long as the game has been out. Usually, it's a player who's been shorted the ability they think will be the most useful. Hood will be short blue, Hulk will need black, and Captain Marvel, yellow. The skill that would make the character has been deliberately kept from them, and it's a conspiracy.

    Except it isn't. It's random numbers that sometimes favour certain skills over others. Rage of the Panther has been very hard to get, but I do not think it's ever been that way on purpose. If they weren't relying on the random number generator, things would actually be better. They'd conspire to make sure abilities that haven't been offered in a while are the top 100 prize in PVP. In the name of, "fairness," they don't.
  • dfields3710
    dfields3710 Posts: 159 Tile Toppler
    Yea my Invisible Woman at 1/0/3 I cannot seem to get a blue cover for my life.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    In a one user sample, you'll see all sorts of funky things.

    For instance, here's the breakdown of the 168 3* I've pulled from tokens:

    yellowflag.png 27
    redflag.png 28
    blueflag.png 25
    greenflag.png 45
    purpleflag.png 22
    blackflag.png 21

    Hooray color balance!

    I also just counted, I've got 54 of the 3rd colors. That leaves 114 of the first two, average of 57. I think glitch is more like "unlucky."