Prodigal Sun PvE Feedback - Community Scaling

No community scaling. I loved it. Please remove it from the game entirely.

Well, that was the short version. Slightly longer version:

- I felt like the hardest nodes were correctly scaled to my roster (my roster is around level 130 avg, hardest nodes were around 160)

- I still did wipe a couple times, but mostly due to bringing in unhealed characters or lucky cascades, not because I felt like I was facing enemies well above my pay grade.

- I played more often because I could get a higher score. This contrasts with community scaling in other PvEs where I do not bother with any type of grinding because I can't compete with underleveled rosters and the enemies are too tough, even before I play a node. In Unstable Iso-8, I get wiped half the time against Bullseye + 2 Muscle even playing with LCAp, Blade and Loki. They're 100 levels higher and one threaten tile is enough to sink the whole team.

- I was having fun with Prodigal Sun, trying different teams I hadn't before, since there was less pressure to bring the absolute best or else you will certainly fail. With community scaling on, I am forced to bring the best team I have and still use more health packs.

- Community scaling makes me frustrated at the game and developers. I am being penalized for something out of my control. With it turned off, I only get frustrated over lucky cascades or things under my control like moves I could've made, which teammates are the right ones to bring to a fight, or when to use health packs/boosts. In these cases, I chalk it up to luck or my own abilities.

Please remove the community scaling mechanic entirely. It serves no purpose other than to frustrate transitioners like myself and divide rosters into either full 166 (PvP) or underleveled 94 (PvE). I like to play both PvP and PvE, and don't want to be punished for not choosing one mode of play over the other.