8th Maxed 3 Stars

Leugenesmiff Posts: 401 Mover and Shaker
edited June 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Thanks again D3 for Deadpool's daily. I've been playing since launch, with a few breaks here and there, I'm around day 560. With today's Daken cover and the easier to obtain ISO-8 I've just been able to max out my 8th 3*. I've got 13 other 3*s that have the full 13 covers but most are still under level 100 if leveled up at all, plus a fully covered 4* at level 199 (X-Force.)
This milestone got me wondering where others are who've been playing for the same period of time and if I'm in the same ballpark or lagging far behind.
BTW, I've never paid a penny (but gladly would support the game if it ever offered anything reasonably priced) and lead a casual Alliance, never having been (or wanting to) in one of the top competitive alliances.


  • I just got my day 557 reward. I'm sitting with 13 maxed 3*s, 18 more fully covered but no ISO-8. XF is maxed but the rest are around 4-8 covers. I spent a few bucks here and there to replenish health packs when I started, but haven't spent anything in recent memory. I have played a little more competitively in PvP being in t100 alliances or better for the past 8ish seasons though.

    At this point it's super slow going. Most tokens are useless as the few covers I do need are too rare. I had to save 5k HP to buy my last 2 XF covers. It's a lot easier if you just push yourself to 725 points in PvP and never shield.

    Just saving tokens for that eventual 4* drop rate increase...
  • Uthgarprime
    Uthgarprime Posts: 202 Tile Toppler
    I really want to have all 3*'s max covered and lvl'd, but with recent changes the game is almost too boring. AI 60 to 100 lvl's below you getting everything they need and you struggle to beat them with 166's, makes me not want to spend money. too boring. Yes I am complaining.
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    Day 448 here, and I've got...wow, actually now that I look at it I'm doing pretty well it seems. I have a 270 X-Force and all other 4* characters in various (mostly unusable) states of coverage and levels. 20 maxed 3*s, 12 more cover-maxed but not leveled, and another 8 soft-capped/under-leveled between 10 and 12 covers. To top it off I have 9 maxed 2*, a maxed Juggernaut, and a second X-Force hanging around. Jeepers.

    I have played intensely pretty much from day one. Up until quite recently I was (trying to be) competitive in both PvP and PvE in a rather casual alliance. Last season I founded an alliance to focus on attaining top 100 status in PvP and relegated PvE to a strictly casual basis for node rewards. This latter decision has amplified my enjoyment of the game as I no longer feel tied as strictly to refresh times and subs ending. Just that PvP event which generally only demands about 1-2 hours total to secure progression and placement.

    Although I can see why some people get bored even before getting to somewhere around where I am, I enjoy the gameplay and characters well enough that I am perhaps even more interested in playing than I was before. I won't get off the We Want More Content bandwagon, though! Even though I've mostly written off PvE, I would love to see different events and storylines. I would really love to see different variants of PvP. The buffed character lists have created some excitement, but I'd really like to see format changes. I'm one of those weirdos who really enjoys the off-season events like Balance of Power and Combined Arms because they're a change of pace. More's the pity that we only get that kind of spice between seasons.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Day 455. I max people to 127 as soon as I can and have for some time, I'm working on moving that number up to 140 but I've started maxing more lately for buffed week help.

    3* (almost all can get max level):
    9x 166
    3x 153
    17x 140
    9x 127
    2x less (newest two)

    250 (missing one cover)
    220 (covered)
    6x 115 (6+ covers)
    3x less (newest three)

    So it looks like I'm a bit beyond Leugenesmiff, closer to El Satanno. I basically didn't play first 45 days. I'm a voracious lightning round grinder, so I can probably get two 127's to 140 or one 140 to 166 each week on those alone.

    I could see a day (well, in almost another year) where I have the bulk of the 3*'s maxed. Should it take 2+ years to get the bulk of the 3*'s maxed? I don't think I have a problem with that. However, if 4* transition becomes a thing, I have no idea how anyone could possibly keep up with those ISO sinks.
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm in a bit of a weird situation in that I started playing shortly after the game came out, but I took a long break from the game between the Deadpool and Cyclops releases.

    That means that as far as SHIELD rewards go I just hit day 400. but my roster shows my actual time spent in the game: 12 maxed 3*s and 20 cover-maxed ones, and my 4*'s range from a 3 Cover L70 (Carnage) to a L200 Prof X (still need a few covers) and a L260 Xforce. I should probably note that I've been completely F2P from day one and only once used HP to buy a cover (my 5th Iron Fist purple, and that was HP well spent).

    Being part of a really, really awesome alliance helps keep the game fun for me, because they're awesome people to hang out with in our FB chat, but I do wonder if I'll hit another slump when I'm fully caught up with all the characters I've missed during my break.
  • Ebolamonkey84
    Ebolamonkey84 Posts: 509 Critical Contributor
    I'm on day 448.

    228 xf 5/5/3
    215 GT 5/3/5
    200 HB 4/4/3
    Dino, Fury, and SL at 10 covers or more.

    13 maxed 166, working on one more that is 155 currently
    1x 153
    12x 140
    2x 130
    10x 120
    1x 102
    All but 4 are cover maxed, and one of those is intentionally at 12.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Day 486
    XForce 4/5/4 221
    4Thor 4/1/5 198 (5th red coming from daily in 4 days)
    Fury 5/3/4 186
    IW 4/5/4 180
    Elektra 2/5/4 70
    Everyone else 6 covers or under

    8 maxed
    6 150+
    11 120+
    Everyone max covered and 'optimal' build except Fist, Bullseye, Vision.
  • Day 560-something...

    Zero 3*s fully covered, a few with 6-8 covers, six 1-3 cover 4*s, six fully covered and leveled 2*s. No characters leveled above 94, with a few 3*s in the 90s.

    And yeah, if not for DDQ, I wouldn't have even a small portion of what I do have, considering the fact that tokens have never produced even marginally statistically accurate numbers for me (my last 150+ Tacos, Heroics, PvE, and Standards yielded two 3*s, both from Standards), and I have yet to build enough of a core 3* roster to compete above the 2* level.

  • Marty17
    Marty17 Posts: 503 Critical Contributor
    I'm actually surprised how much I'd achieved when I started counting the characters I have (covered or levelled). I'm on day 603, so far have all 72 characters.

    1 star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png at lvl270
    2 star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png are above lvl200
    8 star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png are lower than lvl100
    20 star.pngstar.pngstar.png at lvl166
    8 star.pngstar.pngstar.png at base level but fully covered
    12 star.pngstar.pngstar.png at base level but still require more covers
    13 star.pngstar.png at lvl94
    1 star.pngstar.png at lvl86 needing one more cover
    2 star.png at lvl50
    5 star.png at lvl40

    Would've maxed a few more star.pngstar.pngstar.png but figured I'd focus on star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png first. I have 4 star.pngstar.pngstar.png requiring one more cover & they'll join my other 8 pending to be levelled.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    Day 544
    3 star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png Max covered level 200ish
    20 star.pngstar.pngstar.png 166
    13 star.pngstar.pngstar.png Max covered

    My SW,QS and Bullseye all have over 10 covers. I forget how many covers I need for vision mostly because I don't care about him as much.
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    On day 420, with every cover (character and color) in the game. Only a dozen characters not max covered:

    3* Bullseye (with 10 covers)
    Carnage (with 4)
    Devil Dino (with 6)
    Elektra (with 6)
    Fisk (with 7)
    Goddess Thor (with 10)
    Hulkbuster (with 8)
    Iron Fist (with 12)
    Professor (with 6)
    Star Lord (with 12)
    Vision (with 8)

    Considering that I get covers via pve/pvp events and tokens, that's not a bad roster. icon_mrgreen.gif
  • Frank NewCastle
    Frank NewCastle Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    I'm at about day 550 and I'm pretty much in the same position as the OP - 8x166s, a fairly strong XF and half a dozen 3*s waiting to be levelled.

    I'm amazed how much further some people have come in a similar timeframe, although I was a bit slow to understand the importance of roster slots and transitioning...some of the decisions I remember making which involved jettisoning 3* covers to cover garbage like Moonstone whilst using HP to buy health packs....ouch.

    I was also slow to get into PvP, and to be honest with a demanding job and a family with 2 small children I have only pockets of time for MPQ.

    That said, 6 months ago when I had a couple of reasonably covered 3*s and a load of 2*s I dreamed of having a roster like I have now.

    I can't compete against full strength 4* rosters, but I can take out anyone else with a fair wind. I'm enjoying steadily improving my roster, can place in PvP when I need to and DDQ is a piece of cake.

    4* transition is too hard right now so consolidating is the only option. Not going to plough $$ in, so just enjoying it for what it is. Which is what everyone should do surely?
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Day 327 (with a big-**** hiatus in the middle of that or I'd be much further along).

    I really don't expect to ever max any of my 3* unless community scaling goes away for good. If it does, we'll see.

    But in the meantime, I have 10 fully covered star.pngstar.png, 9 of whom are maxed. I have six fully-covered star.pngstar.pngstar.png and another eight between 10-12 covers. A further 23 are in various states of build, but only two of them have fewer than five covers.

    I have five star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png , none of whom have more than three covers. The last one I pulled from a token of any kind was a couple months ago. I believe all three of my icon_wolverine.png were daily rewards; my icon_invisiblewoman.png will get to three covers that way; Fury's three covers all came from pulls or rewards, as did Hulkbuster's singleton and Professor X's pair.
  • vinnygecko
    vinnygecko Posts: 245 Tile Toppler
    Day 527 here, and I actually just got my 9th 3* to max level today.

    I have one 4* fully covered, but not maxed (203 X-Force)

    I have all other 4*s with exception of Prof X and Carnage, but most are not playable yet.

    For 3*s, here's how I have them right now:

    166: 9
    140-150: 4
    130s: 5
    120s: 13
    Five below 120
    I'm missing four 3* characters and am ok about that as I sold them for better ones icon_e_smile.gif

    I keep three 2* at 94 for DDQ (Ares, OBW, CStorm), and rotate/sell another 2* when they are essential for PVE. I also have max Juggs for DDQ.

    I've been trying to take a new approach on how I level, by using the ISO I've earned each day on whomever was featured in DDQ. When that's someone I already have fully maxed, or someone I don't care about, I'll either save the ISO for the next day or use it on someone who is close to max level.