Lightning Round suggestions/improvements?


Coming out from lurking in the Forums to suggest a few things:

Rotate Lightning Round event through different days of the week.

While it is nice to know that there is plenty of opportunity to get a few Lightning Rounds in, it would be nice to have it rotate through different days of the week to enable players more time to play in it if they want to (throwing it in the middle of a work week sucks at times).

Make the 'grind' of the Lightning Rounds more interesting.
I could split that thought into several directions, but here is the reasoning:

At mid-higher level play, Lightning Rounds devolve into nothing more than an ISO grindfest. At least for people like me, Lightning Rounds offers the best ISO return for playtime throughout the week. If I'm dedicated, I can make at least 20k ISO from that event alone within a day.

However, the process is mentally draining and not interesting. You basically have to do a speedrun to cut through as many opponents as possible, which gets boring.

Furthermore, it is often better to aim for the Heroic Token placement rewards instead of the Lightning Round tokens, and the Progressions border on lackluster.

Some suggestions this can be improved:
Add a Lighting Round token as a progression reward.
- Should stimulate interest to aim for high score, and creates a goal oritented reward. In addition to the new scoring system, this should be feasible for players.

- Improve Progressions in general:
I'd recommend doubling the ISO rewards, but as they are now it's kinda uninteresting. People like me have to grab any ISO where we can get it, but it's still rather small compared to other events.

Improve Placement rewards
- It's odd that the 'best' rewards are actually the Heroic Tokens for mid-high level players, which is top 25-100. While this is good for lower level players since this may cut on competition, it makes the climb to get there somewhat difficult. Modifying the Placement rewards should make it worthwhile to aim for 1st and not create this inverse situation.

- Do a double iso Lightning every month, on a unspecified day.
I miss those. No real reason except for easing the grind to obtain iso for characters.

Hope these help!