A question on shields

edited February 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
Does anyone feel like they get hit more in the hour after the shield runs out than they would have during the eight hours it was up? That seems to be the general feeling I'm hearing, and I'm wondering if using shields is even worth it. Any comments?


  • When you have shields up, you are taken out of the matchmaking for other people to target you. The only ones who hit you during your shield are people who are retaliating against you. That's why you barely get hit during 8 hours.

    Once your shield goes down, you are in the match making, and people will start seeing and hitting you right away.
  • I don't think so.

    You're going to get hit more towards the end of a tourney than the beginning. So during the first half of a tourney, I generally won't shield at all. Then I put one on during the 2nd half. When that one wears off I get hit a ton, but that's because the tourney is more active, and with lots of shielded players there's fewer targets to choose from. But if I never shielded, I'd still be getting hit just as much during the back half of the tournament anyway.
  • No. Shields make you invisible unless already queued now, as I assume you're aware, which is why you barely see them absorb any points losses unless you get a great many late retaliations. I haven't noticed any spikes in activity when they drop. I sat unshielded for a bit at the end of Best There Is when one ran out with only a handful of attacks over I think an hour or two (fairly low rating, though, so not surprising), then did a quick suicidal push to top 15 while half asleep before shielding out to the close without getting further attacked at all. Retaliation notifications from the push came up when I next logged in.

    There are on times and off times. America being asleep is the best time to be active, unless you're American and not insomniac. There's a flurry of activity around any shield duration period from the end, so a bit before eight and three hours. Best time to push is really currently as early as you can do it, but only because that's when fewest people are active, so it could easily change.
  • If you're shielded, presumably you have a high rating relative to the team you got, which is why the moment you're unshielded people tend to find you very quickly.
  • Thank you the last post cleared it up.