Android fix before next Carnage event?

Bcorm Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
Am I alone in wondering if the Android patch will be done before the second Carnage event?


  • No...I'm hoping so too. The more time passes, the more it seems there is no light at the end of the tunnel. I just wish I could play.
  • As you can see it's been 8 days that we(android) users haven't been able to play and i guess no one from D3 reads this its Friday and they don't work on weekends so that means we are screwed yet again they can't answer a damn question this sucks when is a update coming if it's not just grow some balls and say that your not going to help us that will be better than to keep lying to us the ANDROID USERS
  • i have had crashing problem on andriod since like 3-4 patches ago and its fustrating because mpq nor d3 have addressed this problem AT ALL
    and whenever i submit a ticket to them, they always try to deny responisbility and blame it on me and my deivce
    stupid how they push the problem aside. bad customer service if u ask me