new android bug?

gpep024 Posts: 20
So I've been having a recurring crash issue with my (android) galaxy S4. Submitted a ticket about 5 days ago which probably coincided with this past weekends ios crash issue but was occasionally happening before then. Was told that they are working on a fix.
Had a new type of crash this morning and wondering if I'm alone. Was playing the Fury essential node; one opponent left; went to use a power and froze looking like it was gonna use it ( the power)then bam.... phone reset.

Reason I'm posting now is because I've never had this game reset my phone on a crash. Has always just sent me to my home screen with my fists in the air. When I say reset I mean : powered; off then on.


  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    It may be a phone issue not directly related to MPQ.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Only time that has ever happened to me is when my phone overheated.