Cover Squirrel disappeared, then reset itself.

Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
The Cover Squirrel PVP which i had been grinding for blade covers was going fine, then i lost connection.. which has happened to much since the last patch, i don't even care anymore.. it finally comes back up, all events are gone, been there done that many times over this past week as well, restarted phone, all events are back.. nothing unusual about any of this.. this entire week since the patch, this has been a multiple times a day thing.

The new thing... I open it up, and get the screen showing i had been attacked in the Cover Squirrel PVP, no biggie, was only around 7 hours left in the event, was going to make a final push for my 1k progression (was waiting to see how many points i lost while sleeping, to see if it was worth it).. it showed i had lost 55 points.. good, time to make my push and shield.

I open up Cover Squirrel, and it appears to have rolled me back an entire day.. 500 points of progression lost (no idea if i lost covers, as i sold the SG yellow, and both tokens gave me something to sell) and my retal subs.. are the people that were there 24 hours ago..NOT the people who had hit me while sleeping.

ISO 8 Brotherhood not effected, but my season score is down (was close to my 10 pack) and i am wonderfully #327 in a PVP i was sitting nicely in the top 25 in.

It looks like i am able to earn the progression rewards for the pvp again??? So that means it definitely discarded my entire day of grinding and shielding from yesterday.

I can handle the connection issues (please fix them though), but this is ridiculous.. Finally a PVP with rewards i want, DID spend loads of HP on health packs and shields to make sure i got what i wanted.. and it all went away.

Side note, all the HP i spent on health packs and shields are back, like it never happened... What gives?


  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    So, made another run, didn't make it back to the 800 mark, or back to top 25, spent the 275 HP i had originally spent though on health packs and now a shield...

    so depressed, really needed those covers and to have the whole event reset on me was tinykitty'd up.. for the first time, i think i am honestly angry at the game.

    in other news, the 2 tokens again gave nothing but 2*'s, so that is 4 tokens in the event (both climbs) and they gave nothing.

    Not to mention all the time wasted that i could have been working on the carnage event..

    EDIT: Lightning round and Blade PVP's show that i never joined???? so all progression lost in those as well...
  • Philly79
    Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
    I would submit a ticket asap...
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    cynder9792 wrote:
    I would submit a ticket asap...

    i did, not asking for any compensation of any kind, the rage subsided, i was close to losing my "cut them some slack" attitude i have towards game glitches.. and just let loose... but instead, i submitted the ticket just to inform them of the problem.

    My 2nd climb in the SG PVP was not as fun.. no seed teams, just monstrous, but i may still end up with a t100 (won't get the green cover i have been wanting forever), but hey.. silver lining i guess.